[S18583] Winnebago Pioneers Rowland -
[S07963] 1850 Greene County, Tennessee Census
[S13975] Chapman, Teresa
[S19296] Tombstone for Clara Gertrude Leverett Hill
[S16457] Obituary for Mary (Wilson) Logan
[S07262] Maris, Ray
[S14865] 1891 History of Harrison County, Iowa
[S18769] 1920 Oklahoma Census
[S19477] 1860 Arkansas Census
[S15043] Greiner, Erwin
[S15048] http://www.dallas.net/~seale/
[S19658] Tombstone for William Winn Hill
[S07623] Letter from Donald Brayton to John Brayton, 1991
[S14173] Ravenintx@aol.com
[S20544] Email
[S09573] Harrold, Grace Rees
[S10282] Family history compiled by Billie Hilliard.
[S07627] Wheatley, Cheska Callow
[S18780] Kelley, Thurman
[S10462] Harrold, Grace Elizabeth
[S15237] ADDRESSES & PHONE NUMBERS OF Beulah Christine Nielsen Rueter's relatives
[S19483] 1900 Mississippi Census
[S15244] History of the First Baptist Chuch in Logan, New Mexico
[S13829] WEBSITE
[S16483] Query at Clark County Arkansas website
[S11342] 1910 Mississippi Census
[S30087] Reel, Justin
[S19137] 1880 Louisiana Census
[S19650] Obituary for Morrison Hilll; Shreveport Times, Feb. 6, 1974, page 10-A
[S14693] Marriage Certificate - Brayton, William / Reel, Lydia
[S30297] 1910 Georgia Census
[S15254] Copenhagen Police Record of Emmigrants, The
[S16493] Obituary for Lydia (Wilson) Logan Gordon
[S19681] Death Certificate
[S18266] Engelhardt, John A.
[S10479] WFT #705 Tree #1306
[S20569] 1860 Iowa Census
[S09418] Kastens, Dennis Pastor
[S01808] Handwritten note from Mary Winings
[S20750] 1850 Indiana Census
[S07653] Letter received March 30, 1998.
[S19161] Obituary For William Winn Hill; Shreveport Times, December 9, 1966, page 14-A
[S11373] Obituary for Casper "Cap" Fulcher
[S08014] Kelley, Hazel Grace (McFarland)
[S05891] Lowe, Janice
[S08193] Harrold, Jack
[S07132] Clements, Gene
[S09259] Cox, Laura Perkins
[S08021] Harrison, Sarah Via
[S17226] Robinson, William
[S18820] 1920 Louisiana Census
[S16521] Obituary for H.O. Clement
[S30151] 1870 Georgia Census
[S10328] Birth Certificate - Hilliard, Samuel Roscoe
[S07320] Brugger, Amy Elissa (Clements)
[S17056] Harrison County, Iowa : Harrison County history
[S19356] Kelley, Russell B.
[S19532] Loper, Donald Wayne
[S30157] 1880 Georgia Census
[S19184] WFT CD #16
[S18830] 1850 Tennessee Census
[S09450] Wilken, Eva
[S08213] Radoff, Dorothy
[S08037] Smart, John
[S15644] Stahl, Jill Walthall
[S19541] 1920 Mississippi Census
[S18842] 1870 Louisiana Census
[S08047] Ragland, Leola (Kelley)
[S16367] 1880 Arkansas Census
[S17607] 1900 Arkansas Census
[S16543] Weir, Gerry
[S18848] 1860 Georgia Census
[S18671] 1850 Georgia Census
[S09995] Smart, David
[S30179] 1880 Florida Census
[S10179] Obituary - Daughtery, Sarah
[S15490] Marble, DeCody Brad
[S14598] Obituary for Mary Ardelia Brayton
[S14784] Obituary for Mary Jane Brayton
[S14608] Handwritten note found in scrapbook of Henrietta Brayton
[S09122] Reid, David
[S20260] 1910 Arkansas Census
[S11602] Donald Robert Harrold's baby book
[S20274] 1920 Arkansas Census
[S19392] 1850 Illinois Census
[S16384] Brown, William
[S07179] Obituary
[S09126] Nevada County (Arkansas) Cemetary Records
[S14615] Reel Family Bible
[S14614] Moses William Wilson
[S14619] Obituary from Tucumcari Daily News
[S09310] Harrold, Dick
[S05771] Phone conversation 3-31-1998.
[S09311] Ruby (Kelley) Siever
[S05769] Mormon Church Records
[S09491] Rees, Perry
[S19404] 1860 Illinois Census
[S11789] news clipping - 50th ann. Mr. and Mrs. Jens Pedersen
[S07370] Gibbs, Robert
[S18699] Crosslin, Jim
[S01354] 1870 Arkansas Census
[S15514] City of Glasgow Council
[S14984] Obituary for Gideon Falley Brayton
[S19586] 1920 Texas Census
[S09500] Rueter, Alvin Charles
[S14634] Obituary for Moses William Wilson
[S03307] Gleitz, Roger
[S16394] Wingerak, Phyllis
[S07190] Spahr, MaryAnn
[S19209] Obituary for William A. Leverett
[S15170] SS Death Record for Pauline (Greiner) Rueter
[S16750] DAR Vol. 75, page 38
[S18005] Kelley, Thurman Pierce
[S14821] Obituary for Effie C. Brayton
[S09515] WFT #V704_01 Tree #3083
[S20136] 1910 Louisiana Census
[S09696] Birth Announcement for Kristann Agnes Metz
[S11467] Logan, Iowa Newspaper clipping
[S18901] 1850 Ohio Census
[S09701] back of 8th grade yearbook photo
[S18905] Greene County Ohio, Births to 1869
[S19084] 1900 Louisiana Census
[S19793] Obituary For Clara Gertrude (Leverett) Hill
[S02977] Cooper, Laura
[S01384] Harrold, Hugh
[S20681] 1860 Tennessee Census
[S05991] Brumleve, Dorothy Anderson
[S01390] Chapman, John
[S09173] Henry Aschermann, 'The Immigrant', And His Descendants 1846-1984
[S15017] Nebraska and Midwest Genealogical Record
[S10414] Marriage Certificate - Hilliard, James and Sweeney, Jane A.
[S07413] Ritter, Gail
[S10068] Wayne County History Book
[S11486] Obituary from Logan, Iowa Paper for Catherine Starr
[S16266] Death Certificate for Cynthia Jean (Kelley) Hunt
[S19982] 1900 Texas Census
[S15383] Peters, Don
[S07594] Housley, Karen (Bedwell)
[S19456] 1850 Arkansas Census
[S17860] Engelhardt, Kay
[S20335] Messageboard Posting
[S07246] Crow, Mitch
[S14150] WFT #709 Tree #3350
[S19100] Caddo Parish Records
[S14683] Obituary for Lydia Reel
[S18931] 1860 Ohio Census
[S10260] Discussion on "AOL Instant Messenger" 3-31-1998
[S30083] 1900 Georgia Census
[S05660] Moor, Kathryn
[S10263] The Hilliards of Wayne County Illinois and Their Descendants, Volume 3
[S09378] Broderbund SS CD A-L
[S19467] Social Security Death Index