(also see: Gas prices around the world.) dated: March 2005

Most expensive places to buy gas
Rank Country Price/Gal

  1. Bosnia-Herzegovina $10.86
  2. Eritrea $9.58
  3. Norway $8.73
  4. United Kingdom $8.38
  5. Netherlands $8.37
  6. Monaco $8.31
  7. Iceland $8.28
  8. Belgium $8.22
  9. France $8.07
  10. Germany $7.86
  11. United States $3.45

Where Gasoline is Cheapest
Rank Country Price/Gal

  1. Venezuela 12 cents
  2. Iran 40 cents
  3. Saudi Arabia 45 cents
  4. Libya 50 cents
  5. Swaziland 54 cents
  6. Qatar 73 cents
  7. Bahrain 81 cents
  8. Egypt 89 cents
  9. Kuwait 90 cents
  10. Seychelles 98 cents
  11. United States $3.45

155 countries surveyed between March 17 and April 1, 2008
Prices not adjusted for cost of living or exchange rates.
chart source: Money.CNN.com http://money.cnn.com/2008/05/01/news/international/usgas_price/index.htm
Data source: AIRINC http://www.air-inc.com

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