Mr. & Mrs. J. W. Furlow, Mr. J. R. Bryant, Mrs. Sim McFarland and Mrs. M. J. Martin being members of Regular Baptist Churches; voted to organize themselves into a church. Rev. Reece, upon examination of Christian Faith and Bible Doctrine, advised the group to organize. At this time Mr. Sim McFarland, Mr. & Mrs. W. L. Besse presented themselves for membership. As to their relationship of Christian experiences, they were approved for baptism and received as charter members of the church, thus making the eight charter members: Mr. & Mrs. J.W. Furlow, by letter, Antioch, Texas At this time it was moved and carried that the church be named the First Baptist Church of Logan, New Mexico. Services continued in the small, poorly ventilated, one room school building until it
was sold to a private citizen, who moved it to a new location and was later known as the
Hilley building and then the Skelton Washateria. The south half of the brown rock school
building was erected in its stead. While the school building was being erected, church was
held a few times in the Moralez Hall, later known as Johnie Dugger's Garage; now known as
Jay Carney Second Hand Store. Then services were held in school building number two Mrs. Fred McFarland joined the church and was baptized August 1906 and Mr. Fred McFarland was baptized June 20, 1908. February 1909, plans were made to build a Baptist Church. With Pastor H.P. Haley
leading, the following were selected as the building committee: Sim McFarland, Mrs. Fred
McFarland, J. R. Bryant and J. W. Furlow. A gift of $300.00 and a loan of $300.00 from the
Southern Baptist Convention plus local contributions, made the building possible. Mrs. W.
L. Besse contributed the land and L. C. Miller of Tucumcari was the contractor. The
building was completed in 1910. The Church had halftime services with the Methodist; one Sunday at the Baptist Church, the next at the Methodist. The Methodist were using the rock school building for their services until they completed their present church. 1936 The Church called for full time services, also cooperating with and supporting the Southern Baptist Convention. December 1939 Electricity was installed by the operation of a town plant and then in later years, the Church became a member of REA. January 5, 1941 The Church dedicated the new seats in the auditorium, with appropriate remarks by J. F. McFarland and a plate was placed on the wall with these words: "The chairs in this Church are presented for the Glory of God and in Memory of D. C. Green, by Mrs. D.C. Green, November 1940." 1952 Four class rooms, kitchen and the baptistry were added to the church. December 13, 1952 The following were ordained as deacons of the church: Thurman Thomas, 0.0. Osborn, Jr. and Robert McFarland. 1965 The dining room was added and most of the work was done by the pastor, Alvin Dupuy. June 1968 The organ was presented to the church, in "Memory of Cynthia Irene McFarland, MOM; Sim McFarland. POP, and Cynthia McFarland Bridges, daughter, sister and wife. Given by the family". This notation was taken from the plaque on the organ. 1969 Irving Potter remodeled the sanctuary by installing a suspended ceiling, light fixtures, sheetrock and paneling on the wall and building a compartment for the organ. December 1969 Mrs. Johnie Foster of Clovis, New Mexico painted the picture in the baptistry. Bob Rogers had made a donation to have a picture painted several years before this, but had been unable to find someone to do the work. May 1970 The new heating and cooling system was installed by Jack Shiplet. August 30, 1970 Mrs. Fred McFarland was honored for her 90th. birthday with an open house for relatives and friends, consisttng of a covered dish dinner, program and a history of the church. November 28, 1971 A ground breaking ceremony was held to build a new three bedroom parsonage. Those participating in the ground breaking were: Reverend Jerald Chadwick, Leeman Stewart, Robert McFarland and Harmon Liles. June 4, 1972 Dedicated the new parsonage at 5:00 P.M. 1974 A vestibule was built on the south side of the church. May 1975 Wall to wall carpeting had been installed in the sanctuary. June 1975 New pews were installed by L. L. Sams & Son. November 12, 1975 Robert and Ovene McFarland stated that they would like to establish a Memorial Fund in memory of their children in the form of a Sunday School Building. The pastor was to contact a Southern Baptist Architectural Department for plans to build it. June 9, 1976 The speakers were installed in the auditorium and the two nursery rooms were carpeted. September 8, 1976 Robert McFarland, Irving Potter and Corky Sims were selected to serve on the building conirnittee for the Sunday School Building. March 8, 1977 Robert McFarland was elected prime contractor to have the building built according to plans fiarnished by Mr. Smith; the architect from the Southern Baptist Convention. April 11, 1977 The grounds were being cleared and in a few days construction began on the building. September 6, 1977 The building had been completed and the carpet installed. The building covered approximately 5700 square feet and consisted of a library, kitchen, fellowship hall, eight class rooms, three rest rooms, two storage rooms, Sunday School office, Pastor's study, two central heating rooms, hot water heater room and two halls. Placed in the wall, on the south side of the building, is a marble plaque with the following inscription: THIS BUILDING IS DEDICATED September 18, 1977 Dedication services were held for the educational building. August 15, 1979 Building committee reported that they had discussed building an auditorium. November 7, 1979 Voted to build a new auditorium. Building committee: Robert McFarland, Carl Stewart, Corky Sims, Ronnie Osborn, Don Reeves and Thurman Thomas. July 9, 1980 The building committee met with the contractor, Austin Capps of Albuquerque, and plans were made for the new auditorium. August 6, 1980 Corky Sims had torn down the church building and Bruhns were ready to clear the grounds. September 11, 1980 Building material arrived for the new auditorium and work began in a few days. January 7, 1981 The auditorium had been completed on the inside, carpet was installed January 13th., and new pews were placed January 15th. January 18, 1981 First service was held in the new auditorium. March 1, 1981 1:45 P.M.- Dedication of the new auditorium. The beautiful painting in the baptistry was done by member Shirley Crisp. Approxirnately 175 were present. They were from: Redding, Ca., Shreveport, La., Tacoma, WA., from Texas - Amarlllo, Big Springs, Burleson, Dalhart, Dumas, Fritch, Lewisville, Midland, Quail, Silverton, Sudan, Tulia, and Wilson. From New Mexico - Albuquerque, Belen, Clayton, Clovis, Hagerman, Nara Visa, Jal, Portales, Questa, Roswell, Roy, San Jon, Santa Rosa, Springer, and Tucumcari. Sunday School enrollment was 164 and attendance that day was 154. Robert McFarland, who served as chalrman of the building said, "Our hearts have been in this church for years. For my family and me this is a dream come true." May 4, 1986 Deacon Ordination Service was Held. Delton Judd was presented with a Deacon Certiticate and Covenant Benediction. October 5, 1988 Plans were made to build a den and a double garage on the west side of the parsonage. November 9, 1988 Phil Hinson was recognized as a deacon. May 1989 The addition of a den and double garage to the parsonage had been completed. July 4, 1990 Glenn Hudson was accepted as a deacon. September 4, 1991 The deacon officers were: Chairman Glenn Hudson, Vice Chairman Elmer Boatman, and Secretary Delton Judd. December 4, 1991 Bob Reid resigned as pastor. February 4, 1992 Floyd and Roxanne Carpenter gave a report on their Mission work. March 11, 1992 The church voted to call Mark Phelps as pastor. June 10, 1992 A recommendation was made that the church draw up a Constitution and By-Laws. December 3, 1992 The Constitution and By-Laws were presented to the church by Elmer Boatman and accepted. December 5, 1993, 2:00 P.M., Ordination Service was held. Kenneth Terry and Ken Willis were ordained as deacons. Jack McCarty was ordained into church ministry. November 20, 1994 Dan Pearce was called to be our pastor. April 12th. & 13th., 1995 pictures were taken for the Pictorial Directory. To date the Church has had forty-seven (47) pastors and two interim pastors, namely: 1. H. O. Morton, a young man from New York State served from 1905-1906 (11 months). The first Sunday School Superintendent was Mrs. Sim McFarland, (2nd was Sim McFarland) serving from September 1905 to 1944, and again in 1947 to 1949, making a total of approximately 42 years. Others serving were: Mrs. W. L. Besse Mrs Leland Haines, Mrs. Otto Rodewald, Thurrnan Thomas, O.O. Osborn, Jr, Elmer Boatman, Harmon Liles, Jim Cox Jr., Will Lackey,. O.O. Osborn, Jr. serving again, Jesse Shurgart, Bobbie Oglesby, Judy Robinson, and Marshall (Cotton) Mitchell. There have been fifteen (15) Church Clerks: W. L. Besse, H. A. McCart, Horace Hawkins, Mrs. J. F. McFarland, Mrs. W. L. Besse, A. C. Dye, Mrs. Sim McFarland serving 44 years and 7 months, Anna Thomas, Delores Williams, Edna Thomas, Marie Sims, Sue Dehtan, Peggy Brown, Betty Terry, and Loretta Summers. There have been ten treasurers: Sim McFarland, D.C. Green, J. D. Meeks, O.O. Osbom, Jr., Mildred Osborn, Edna Thomas, Mildred Osborn serving again, Ruth Stewart, Carl Stewart, and Edna Thomas serving again since 1982. There have been twenty three (22) Deacons of the Church: 1. Sim McFarland, (now deceased) Each year the Church has a spring revival and one in the fall. The largest group to unite with the church was during a revival, August 14 - 28, 1921. Our Pastor, J. P. Masterson and Evangelist, L. G. Monory of Duncan, Okla. held the services. Twenty-eight (28) were added by baptism, six (6) by letter and two (2) by statement. Of these Ruth Stewart is the only active member of the Church today. At this time the Church has 98 resident members and 117 non-resident members, making a total of 215 members. Mr. & Mrs. Sim McFarland Over the years there have been a lot of faithfu1 members in the church, as they were the ones that worked so faithfully for so many years. Sim McFarland, being Sunday School Superintendent over forty-two (42) years and Mrs. Sim McFarland serving over forty-four (44) years as church clerk. Their son, Robert was a deacon and a teacher. Their daughter Wilma was a church pianist. Mrs. Fred McFarland served as church clerk and teacher for several years. Her daughter, Maude was a church pianist and the young people's teacher. Cynthia, Reel, Hazel and Jamie filled in where ever they were needed. Mrs. Robert McFarland, Ovene, was Sunday School Secretary for over twenty-five (25) years. In reading all the recorded minutes from 1905, one discovers there have been a lot of labors, trials, tribulations, heart aches, disappointments, discouragement, as well as of happiness and joys. One realizes, too, that it had to take members who had a lot of faith, trust, hope and love for God and their fellow man, to do these things that have been done to build this Church. If it had not been for the efforts, prayers and faithfulness of that small group who met September 7, 1905, and those who followed, it is doubtful there would be a First Baptist Church of Logan, New Mexico today. |
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