Subject: FC: Online sales of Mein Kampf stopped Date: Saturday, August 21, 1999 11:36 AM Bertelsmann stops online sale of Hitler book August 21, 1999 Web posted at: 10:42 AM EDT (1442 GMT) BERLIN (AP) -- German media giant Bertelsmann has stopped selling Adolf Hitler's "Mein Kampf" in its online bookstore, a spokesman said Saturday. BOL International's German and Dutch services never offered the book because it is banned in those countries, but its British and French services did, company spokesman Christof Ehrhart said. ... Subject: FW: Mein Kampf story Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 12:00:40 -0400 Any censorship or book-banning by any governments has, IMNSHO, a real down-side and is an insult to the intelligence of the citizenry of the jurisfiction - but whether it's Mein Kamp in Germany, the Wall Street Journal in Singapore, The Communications Deceny Act (and its on-going progeny) in the US, governemnts never stop. Subject: IP: Mein Kampf story Date: Sat, 21 Aug 1999 09:50:19 -0400 the interesting academic thing about this is that Mein Kampf has a concise and frightening exposition on how to do agit-prop, probably written by Goebbels who was Hitler's cellmate. Hitler quotes and refines Lenin's theories on propaganda application to a high degree. Mein Kampf is a standard citation in most textbooks on propaganda analysis. So do you ban such things because of the racist crap it comes wrapped in or do you study it to see how Hitler planned Nazi takeover and control as a warning to future generations?
Subject: FC: FW: further on Mein Kampf story Date: Saturday, August 21, 1999 11:16 AM Interesting comment from an old friend - and true -----Original Message----- Subject: Re: Mein Kampf story I've always believed that the most effective way to get kids (or adults) to read is to ban something. Mein Kampf is a book I've never read and haven't thought about for years. The article has stimulated interest in understanding the mind of Hitler and the next time I'm in Barnes....I'm going to buy it. Precisely the opposite result of those who call for it's banning. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLITECH -- the moderated mailing list of politics and technology To subscribe: send a message to with this text: subscribe politech More information is at to Harrold's Privacy Articles Page
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