ISLAM Versus CIVILIZATION by Kurt Saxon (Wikipedia bio: Shortly after 9/11 President George Bush said on CNN, "Islam is a beautiful and peaceful religion". George is a very trusting man. I'm sure no one believes he knows anything about Islam that he wasn't told by some lying mullah invited to the White House. George's object, and that of CNN, seems to be to convince the American public that there is no connection between Islam and terrorism. But how many Baptists were among the 19 Highjackers of 9/11? How many Catholics have blown themselves up in Israel? How many Methodists or Presbyterians broadcasting through al-Jazeera, threatens to destroy America? Was the failed shoe-bomber a Jehovah's Witness? Islam, the belief system represented by the non-existent Allah was and is behind all the terrorism that has counted in the last few years. America is harboring about 18 million Muslims, all of whom profess loyalty. Bill Maher, of "Politically Incorrect", told Larry King that 99% of U.S. Muslins were loyal. That stupid exaggeration cost me all the respect for Maher, whom I now suspect is just as much controlled as those he accuses of being controlled. But as to loyalty, can a Muslim be loyal to the United States? CNN interviewed a young U.S. Muslim who was asked how strong was his loyalty to the U.S. Constitution. He answered that he would be loyal to our Constitution as long as it didn't conflict with the Koran, and then he'd stick with the Koran. Imagine a young Nazi in Israel saying he'd go along with the Israeli constitution as long as it didn't conflict with Mein Kampf and if it did, he'd stick with Mein Kampf. But the Koran couldn't be more in conflict with our Constitution. The Koran says, "And it is not for a believer, man or woman, to have any choice in their affairs when (Allah) and his apostle have decreed a matter: and whosever disobeyeth and his apostle, erreth with palpable error". Could anyone submit to such tyranny and still be loyal to the U.S. Constitution? We can't put up with such divided loyalties in these times. This does not apply to the Amish, and other offshoots of our typical belief systems who refuse to salute the flag, refuse social security, etc. They are no threat. But the threat from believers in Allah has been made all too clear. I don't consider any Muslim to be an American, even those born here. Allah is not a being, but an alien idea, hostile to everything our country stands for. Muslims have proven themselves to be a danger, constant references to threats by Muslims living among us should cause every loyal American to reject anyone who accepts the teachings of Allah. Another difference I have with Maher is because of a remark which got him a lot of flack. He said suicide bombers and other life-sacrificing terrorists were not cowards; that anyone who would give his life for his beliefs was not committing an act of cowardice. One who risks or gives his life in war for his comrades or to accomplish a certain benefit for his cause is a hero. But to go among unsuspecting civilians and blow them to bits is indeed an act of cowardice. The motive, as in the case of suicide bombers must be taken into account. CNN interviews with caught would-be suicides proves that many of them were not necessarily committed to die for a cause. My article, "Sex And The Male Muslim" shows that their main motive was an insane hope to awaken in Paradise and embark on an eternal sexual orgy as a reward for heroes. Most Americans are inclined to consider Muslim terrorists as religious fanatics. But is Islam a religion in the first place? The common idea of a religion is a belief system with a deity which inspires and cares for the needs of its believers. It also promises a better afterlife for believers whose earthly lives were filled with faith and good works. These are the basic attributes a being must have to qualify as a god. But how does Allah stack up as a god? Consider; ever since the sixth century con-man and fraud, Muhammad, gathered a flock of ignorant Arab sheep to shear and then left an oppressive belief system to his crooked relatives, Islam has been at the throat of the rest of humanity. Among themselves, it has always been family against family, faction against faction, tribe against tribe, Islamic nation against Islamic nation and every Islamic nation against their non-Islamic neighbors. Anyone who has read George Orwell's "1984" can see Islam as INGSOC and the mullahs as the thought police. Islam is a system which is set up for power, profit and control, with the emphasis on control, with no advantage whatever to the believer. An example of the control is the willingness to die for Allah of literally millions of Muslims. The pitiful thing about this is that their willingness is to no purpose. Allah's troops are conditioned to believe that their faith alone will give them victory over the greatest technological power in history. Saddam Husein promised the "Mother of All Battles". In the Gulf War Allah's troops went into battle against the U.S. armed mainly with superstition and weapons they didn't know how to use. Our side lost less than 300, mainly due to a missile which hit a barracks. Allah's casualties were over a hundred thousand. One stretch of highway over a mile long had thousands of Allah's troops strewn body-to-body. The survivors, who had vowed to die for Allah, rather than suffer defeat, were surrendering in droves to reporters. Osama Bin Laden boasted over Al-Jazeera that Allah's troops would destroy the forces of the Great Satan. His dupes had gone on and on about how they were willing, even anxious, to die for Allah. But when the battle was joined they were slaughtered like rats in a basement and, thinking better of dying for Allah, either surrendered or ran like rabbits. Below is a description of the battle of Iwo Jima from "American Military History". IWO JIMA, BATTLE OF (1945) When the Joint Chiefs of Staff directed the Pacific Fleet commander, Adm. Chester *Nimitz, to occupy an island in the Bonin volcano group during the western Pacific campaign in World War II, the only island of significance was Iwo Jima. Early in 1945, Japanese fighter aircraft from there were harassing the B-29s, which had begun their raids from the Marianas against Japan. Also, an emergency recovery airfield was needed for B-29s returning damaged or short on fuel. Mt. Suribachi, at 556 feet, is the most prominent landmark of the seven-mile long, pork chop-shaped island, where l.t. Gen. Tadamichi Kuribayashi had 21,000 men and 1,000 guns. Forsaking the Japan doctrine of defending at the water's edge, he decided instead to defend from an elaborate system of caves and tunnels. On (the American side, Vice Adm. Richmond K. Turner commanded the Joint Expeditionary Force with Lt. Gen. Holland M. Smith as commander of the ]oint Expeditionary Troops, while Maj. Gen. Harry Schmidt commanded the Marine V Amphibious Corps, consisting of the 3rd (Maj. Gen. Graves B. Erskine), 4th (Maj. Gen. Clifton B. Gates), and 5th (Maj. Gen. Keller E. Rockey) Marine Divisions. At 0930 on 19 February 1945, the first wave of armored amphibian tractors touched down, 5th Division on the left and 4th Division on the right. On the left, the 28th Marines, an infantry regiment, turned south toward Suribachi, and after four days of fighting gained the top of the mountain. A patrol reached the crest and tied a small American flag to a piece of pipe. Three hours later, a larger flag was brought up—one that could be seen from all over the island. Joe Rosenthal, an Associated Press photographer, took a picture of its raising that was published around the world. The main effort was a slow advance to the north, with the 5th Division on the left and the 4th Division on the right. The 3rd Division was fed into the center of the line and the attack shouldered forward. After days of heavy fighting, the island was secured on 26 March. Altogether, 71,243 Marines had been put ashore; of these, 5,931 were killed in action, and 17,372 wounded. Twenty-two Marines, four navy hospital corpsmen, and one navy "landing craft commander were awarded the Medal of Honor, half of them posthumous awards. The number of Japanese killed has never been determined exactly, but only 216 prisoners were taken, most of them Korean conscript laborers. The terrible cost to Americans was somewhat balanced by another statistic: by war's end, 2,251 heavy bombers, with crews totaling 24,761, had made emergency landings on Iwo. There were 21,000 Japanese troops on Iwo Jima, all pledged to die for their emperor god. They were dug into caves in Mount Suribachi, much like Tora Bora. From these caves they killed 5,931 American Marines and wounded 17,372, as opposed to only one combat death in Afghanistan, so far. When the island was taken, there were only 216 prisoners taken, most of whom were Korean conscript laborers. Throughout the battle the Japanese endured a fierce bombardment from offshore batteries, plus thousands of sorties from carrier-based fighter bombers. Compared to the Japanese, Allah's troops are just a lot of effeminate cowards. And of course, General Kuribayashi, true to his soldier's code, died with his troops, unlike Bin Laden, who abandoned Allah's troops and ran. He may be in Pakistan now, boasting to his cronies what Allah and he are going to do to the Great Satan. Muslims have never been good at soldiering. Their many wars with Israel have proven them to be incompetent. This is mainly due to their belief that they were backed up by Allah, a being which never existed and was only the fantasy of ignorant primitives. Even during the Middle Ages, Islam as a military force was a joke. Richard Suskind's "The Crusades", reprinted on our CD Vol. 1, issue 1 (and at this website), shows that the only thing that saved Islam then was the ignorance and disorganization of the Crusader armies. From "THE CRUSADES" by Richard Suskind It was difficult, if not impossible, to guard against the Assassins. They could easily slip into any Moslem court or camp, wait for the right moment, then strike quickly with knife or poison. Hundreds of caliphs, sultans, emirs, and other officials were killed by them. When the Grand Master of the sect the most famous of them, Sheik Sinan, was known by the Christians as the Old Man of the Mountains, wanted a murder committed he would summon one of the fedais (devoted ones) into his private gardens, prime him with hashish, and give him his choice of beautiful women and handsome boys. After a night or two of debauchery —a foretaste of paradise, so to speak —the Assassin would leave on his mission prepared to kill or die; and since he was assured of going to heaven, it made little difference to him if he was killed in the performance of his duty. The Assassins were completely indifferent to death. On one occasion, for example, a Christian emissary arrived in Alamut to discuss a treaty with Sinan. After dinner, over copper mugs of thick black Turkish coffee, the talk came around to loyalty and devotion. The emissary said that the Templars and Hospitalers were the most devoted of the knights and would do anything rather than betray their Order. Sheik. Sinan smiled contemptuously. "You Nazarenes know nothing of devotion. I'll show you the meaning of true devotion." The courtyard was surrounded by a ring of high towers, a fedais standing on the top of each one. Sinan raised his hand and beckoned, and one after the other the fedais dove from the towers and dashed their brains out on the tiles of the courtyard. "That," said Sinan, "is devotion! Shall 1 go on with the demonstration?" "Please," the shaken emissary begged. "No more!" MORE When Conrad learned of the council's decision, he fell to his knees and cried out in a loud voice, "Oh God, hear me! If I am unworthy of the crown, then give it to another!" A few days later, as he was returning home from a visit to a friend's house, he was stopped in the street by two men. One of them handed him a letter, and while he was reading it, the other plunged a knife repeatedly into his belly and side. He was carried to his palace, where he died a few minutes later. One of the killers was hacked to bits on the spot; the other was taken alive, tortured, and confessed that he had been sent to do the job by the Old Man of the Mountains because Conrad, a couple of months before, had captured a vessel loaded with goods for the Assassins and had refused to return it. The Muslims had to outnumber the Crusaders at least 10 to one to be effective. One Crusader knight could hack down 30 Muslims without working up a sweat. Today's Muslims are even worse. The Muslim performance in Afghanistan will go down as one of the most disgraceful in military history. Now to the "Great Satan". The Koran refers to "Sundry Satans". I don't know where they got the term, "Satan". The Biblical Satan is one being, not sundry. Perhaps the term has become universal for an evil being. Maybe that's what Muslims call "djinns", devils invented in ancient Arabia to explain why Allah couldn't deliver on his promises, in which case, satans or djinns must be as numerous as Muslims. CNN has often had spokespersons saying that the whole Muslim world hates America in general and Israel in particular. I don't believe they really hate either us or the Israelis. Our systems are too vast and complex for their primitive minds to grasp. Islam, with its billion believers is the great underclass of our planet. Every Islamic nation is a tyranny. Except in the oil-rich nations, most other Islamic nations are vastly over-populated, with ragged, hungry, uneducated, backward people. It is more accurate to see their attitude toward us as the tent and the mud hut versus the skyscraper. Every Muslim, even the most isolated, has seen magazines, an occasional movie and some TV. They know enough of the civilized world to realize that people of the Great Satan have everything while they are among the most wretched. Of course, the mullahs want it that way. The more impoverished and ignorant they are, the easier it is for the mullahs to control them; the control being more in mind control than anything else. The mullahs preach an ideal, simple sixth century system which even the dumbest of them would understand, would not have to think and would not need a choice in their own affairs and would be as happy as children all their lives. Of course, they are too ignorant to know that the sixth century agriculture and technology of their dreams could not feed a hundredth of their population. Their mullahs know this and yet lead these pitiful incompetents to believe the system would work, anyway, and they would be successful if what Allah would provide had not been taken over by us infidels and our Great Satan. Since this wretched underclass has no chance of ever rising above the tent and mud hut, their fantasies of their own skyscrapers are only an idiotic dream. Therefore, they are bent on destroying our skyscrapers. To best understand their thought processes read Lothrop Stoddard's "The Revolt Against Civilization", 1922. It is an interesting read and will help you to better understand the real threat of Islam. People who think like this are so programmed to believe that infidels are their enemies that they can't be trusted, no matter how friendly they act or what credentials they hold. A case in point is that Muslim Secret Service agent, possibly a mole, who worked his way near to the president. Since he was an alien with a gun and a possibly false I.D. and made mistakes on the paperwork, the pilot was right in keeping him off that flight. People who fly should be grateful for that kind of pilot. Even so, since George said the pilot's caution made him "mad as heck", we can expect it will be a lot easier for terrorists to get aboard planes unless the pilots are willing to profile, regardless of the flack from ninnies from the president on down. This incident gave me an interesting fantasy. Say that Muslim agent did get on that plane and got to George. He pulls his gun and shoots George in the face, killing him. Naturally, he would have the presence of mind to drop the gun and throw up his hands. He would be taken into custody and treated well, all his "rights" being observed. He would be provided with the best Arab-American defense attorneys, at taxpayer's expense. The jury would be packed with Muslims, for fear of profiling. He would automatically become the greatest hero among the world's Muslims, greater even than Bin Laden. His defense attorneys would explain to a sympathetic jury that since George was the Great Satan's chief representative on Earth, the killer was simply practicing his religion in a heroic act for Allah and all Islam. Would you trust any Muslim near your president? I wouldn't. But George obviously would. Well, lots of luck, George. For the past several weeks, CNN has been promoting the English translation of the Koran, published by Everyman and Tuttle in North Clarendon, VT. I've reproduced the first page and the first page of the Index showing that the name "Allah" does not appear in the book; only "God". No Muslim says "God", since that is the term the infidels use for their deity. As the Hindus call their deity "Brahma" and the Israelis call theirs "Adonai", so the Muslims call theirs only "Allah". I think this is to make infidels believe, somehow, that theirs is the same deity as the one we grew up with, only by a different term. My own wife believed "Allah" was just another name for her Baptist God until I showed her otherwise by reading the excerpt from the 1892 edition of the Encyclopedia Brittinica which described Allah as having a wife and daughters. There is no similarity between Allah and the deity described in the Bible. Muslims also say "there is no god but Allah", meaning yours doesn't exist and is to be replaced by Allah, even if it means killing you, which is the long-range plan of all Islam. Another purpose for the English translation seems to be to prove to an infidel that Islam is non-threatening. The book is stupid but is indeed non-threatening. Page after page is filled with love, kindness, forgiveness, blessing, compassion, etc. Allah is presented to us as a regular "Goody-two-shoes" We are to read it and note all this sweetness and light and believe it is a beautiful and peaceful religion. So where in this book do Muslims worldwide get their hatred and violence toward us and all other non-Muslims? Any Muslim scholar will tell you that one can't get the true meaning of Islam unless he can read the Koran in its original Arabic. Since Arabs have been ignorant, primitive and brutal savages for thousands of years, I would expect anything written in the original Arabic to be ignorant and primitive. Obviously the translators edited out all the hateful parts to convince us that Islam is a benign belief system. But CNN has shown us all too clearly that everything about the original Islam is hostile to us. I want you to examine the first page of the English Koran. "In the name of (Allah), the compassionate, the merciful". Since when? How has this being, or the belief in it ever led to compassion and mercy? Afghanistan has had a devastating drought for over three years. This has been the excuse Afghans have given for not being able to feed their starving people. Millions of Afghan mothers have prayed to Allah to send rain while their children starved to death. But the "compassionate and merciful" Allah still sent no rain. But the compassionate and merciful "Great Satan", from January to 9/11, 2001 sent 148 million in food and medical aid and more than three times that much since. So what kind of a god is Allah to withhold rain while depending on the Great Satan to send food? All these suffering children are indeed Allah's. Without Islam's restrictions against any sort of birth control, there would be fewer children to die of neglect and starvation. We've all seen TV coverage of Somalia, with the 300,000 little skeletons, starving while well-fed grown men strutted around with their guns, uncaring about the children they could have fed with looted food stores and money from Osama Bin Laden and fellow Muslim nations. The same goes for Al Qaeda and the Taliban ignoring the starving Afghan children. The idea that Allah and those he influences are compassionate and merciful is so absurd that anyone who thinks Allah is a god starts out being stupid and goes on to be insane. Yet we have millions of these Muslims among us. Instead of being sent to the Middle East where they belong, even more are getting in. Daily, CNN tells us that they are among us and lying in wait to strike. Don Rumsfeld said there are over 100 known Al-Qaeda cells operating here while CNN guests complain that the thousands of Arabs here illegally and held in custody are being deprived of their rights. A minor aggravation has been exposed by CNN that Al-Qaeda and Taliban prisoners have been given copies of the Koran. Did the Americans guarding the Nazi war prisoners give them each a copy of Mein Kampf? This show of concern for the enemy is a disgrace. Of course, we've gotten over the main attack and are waiting for the sleepers to strike. I don't put much stock in such threats since these people are too stupid to be as effective as on 9/11. It could happen that some fool might strap on some bombs and go to a MacDonald's. All that would happen then would be that about 15 National Guardsmen would be stationed at each MacDonald's and everyone would go to Wendy's. Although the first page of the 500 pages of drivel, the Koran, should prove to anyone that Islam is a fraud, their after-life promises are so ridiculous as to make one wonder how anyone not really insane could hope for sex in the after-life. Take the Houris. They have dark eyes, but what else? And they are ever virgins. There are two reasons why a male should want a virgin. The most common among male Muslims is that a virgin female would not recognize what a lousy lover he is. Among primitives, especially in a tightly-knit tribal community, he is pretty much assured that any offspring would be his. But in modern times, and especially in the U.S., the dummy just isn't reckoning with the TV repairman. That Houris could be ever virgins is nonsense, anyway. Here's a guy who never expects the female to know what a klutz he is. Or maybe she's some kind of inflatable doll, in which case virginity would not be a consideration. Otherwise Allah would have to be able to perform hymen transplants. Even so, once a female has been sexually entered, she is a non-virgin for the rest of her life, hymen or no hymen. I think it would be a lot simpler if these tulips should just settle for the "blooming youths" I hope there is AIDS in Paradise. A cute part on the first page is the reason people are unbelievers in Allah. "Their hearts and their ears hath God (Allah) sealed up and over their eyes is a covering. For them a severe chastisement". So Allah is going to chastise those he prevented from believing in the first place. Stupid! CNN tells us that International Islam is out to get us, they are an invincible network of cells of highly proficient terrorists all plotting our doom. So Allah has declared war on us. What we have to do is to declare war on Allah and root out lslam wherever we find it, here and worldwide. That might seem like a tall order, but not for us with all the help working and on the way. World Islam has been dying for the past 200 years. As the world gets more modern, rulers of the Islamic nations realize that the sixth century socio-economic system so yearned after by their ignorant fundamentalists would destroy their own power structures. They have to modernize or become like today's Iran, since the ouster of their progressive Shah, a backward, over-populated economic ruin. All over the Islamic world the more progressive nations are turning on their fanatics. They know that "terrorists" are more a danger to their own political and economic situations than to us. They also anticipate that as they weed out their militant mullahs they face revolt by their hoards of illiterate losers. This puts them between a rock and a hard place . But they chose power over progress and now they have a dangerous tightrope of their own making. Of course, our own FBI and security services are tracking down illegal Muslims working out of American mosques and profiling in ways they would never admit to. You may think that destroying Islam is too big a job and that one can't kill an idea. Not so. Ideas which no longer work because those using them are simply exploiting the ignorant, are taken out of the game. Three such ideas were killed in the last century. The idea that Hitler and National Socialism were sent by Providence was widely accepted in Germany. Children prayed to Hitler. Adults revered him as the actual Second Coming. After the Allies pounded Germany to rubble and de-nazified Germany, the German government outlawed National Socialism and the preaching of it is still outlawed today. Japan's militant Shinto got millions of Japanese civilians slaughtered, the economy ruined and A-bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Hirohito was a living god. MacArthur and the Japanese government decided that the idea of Hirohito's godhood no longer worked and it was effectively outlawed, Within a few short years after the war both Germany and Japan rose out of the ashes and became two of the most powerful industrial economies. And remember Communism? It was the terror of the 20th Century. But finally the European nations realized it didn't work and they would have to dump it or go under. The only countries that still claim to be communist are North Korea, Cuba, China and Viet Nam. None of their systems have any resemblance to Marxism/Leninism. They are communist in name only. Communism is dead. Islam is next. Muslim leaders know all this but hope, with American aid, they can revamp their systems and modernize. Of course, the people of Germany and Japan had been intelligent and with a high level of culture and technology before the war. Muslims are underachievers due to their belief system and culture. So I give them about as much chance to rise as a bunch of baboons trying to rebuild the World Trade Center. Now, how do you figure in all this. CNN has told us over and over that we are in a recession, which will be followed by depression and collapse. Our economy is so over-extended and corrupt that the average person will have to look out for himself and his loved ones by creating his own life-support system. The material in the survivors and our CDs will help you not only to become self-sufficient but will help your neighbors to pool their skills to provide power for your community. In this way, your community will flourish no matter what happens to the rest of our country THE POWER OF MAN AND THE FAITH OF WOMAN A 19th Century Expose Of Islam; A Warning From The Past (From Godey's Lady's Book & Magazine 1872) IN the year 571 of our era there was born in Arabia the self-styled Prophet of God, Mahomet, predicted, as we believe, by St. John, in the closing book of the Bible, who calls him "the false prophet." In this Divine history the rise and fall of the enemy of Christ is clearly portrayed. In it's influence over the destinies of mankind, Mahomet must rank as the most wonderful of the men who have established a system of government founded on religion. That his natural endowments for the work were great will be seen by the following sketch from the best authenticated traditionists:— "He was of middle height, rather thin, but broad of shoulders, wide. of chest, strong of bone and muscle. His head was massive, strongly developed. Dark hair, slightly curled, flowed in a dense mass down almost to his shoulders. His face was oval-shaped, slightly tawny of color. Fine, long. arched eyebrows were divided by a vein which throbbed visibly in moments of passion, Great, restless, black eyes shone out from under long, heavy eyelashes. A full beard framed his manly face. His skin was clear and soft, his complexion 'red and white,' his hands were as ' silk and satin'—even as those of a woman. His step was quick and elastic, yet firm. His whole gait and presence were dignified and imposing. His countenance was mild and pensive. His laugh was rarely more than a smile. In his habits he was extremely simple, though he bestowed great care upon his person. Perfumes he loved passionately. Strong drinks he abhorred." Such was Mahomet when, in his twenty-fourth year, he married his first wife, his only true wife, Chadija. Her character and its influence over him were, in the result, as noteworthy almost as his own, in their fitness to sustain his strength, and to guide him in his career. Together they showed the great results that may be wrought by the united efforts of the Power of Man and the Faith of Woman. Chadija was older by fourteen years than her husband. She possessed a rare union of qualities-housewifely capacity and a capability of faith that made her doubly his helper. The cares of life were removed from him by her motherly hands; and when he returned from his desert wanderings, bearing with him his revelations, she was his first. convert. Mahomet told her what he had seen. Whereupon she answered and said: " Rejoice, oh dear husband, and be of good faith! He, in whose hands stands Chadija's life, is my witness that thou wilt be the prophet of this people." In 621 Chadija died, at the age of sixty-five years. The immediate result of her loss was to reduce him almost to beggary. His bitter grief was aggravated by persecution, and he almost despaired, when by a remarkable event, which we have not space to narrate, he became established at Medina. His history from that time forth is well known. He was recognized as a great prophet, saw his power daily increase, and died at last, at the age of sixty-one, surrounded by believing followers, and leaving to his successors the germ of a mighty empire. The Eastern nations, when the Gospel was opened, and Christianity organized its first churches, had become deplorably fallen and wicked. Anarchy and unbelief held sway ever the people. It seemed that the justice of God, in condemnation of the corrupted churches of Asia and Africa, had allowed the whirlwind of Islam to rage over the wretched apostates. Christ had been forsaken, crucified afresh, and put to open shame by His own pretended followers: Therefore Antichrist founded his kingdom on the ruins of the Eastern churches. The extent of this Eastern Christianity is not generally borne in mind. It was "estimated at seven or ten times the size of the coeval Christianity of Europe, Roman, and Greek together." In Western Asia there were eighty-four bishoprics; in Palestine forty-seven. Armenia was wholly converted, and Persia so thronged with Christians, that when Sapor the Old began his first persecution, he put twenty-five bishops to death at once, one of whom is said to have had in his diocese two hundred and fifty priests. But this great body was wholly corrupt. The pure faith of Christ had been so changed and obscured by a multitude of foolish and profane rites introduced from the surrounding idolatries that none of the vital faith of their religion remained. MAHOMETANISM ESTABLISHED (A Warning From 129 Years Ago) The Koran had been accepted by the followers of the dead prophet. In this, his sacred book, he sets aside reason, stifles conscience, represses inquiry, forbids private judgment: the only moral responsibility he acknowledges is that of implicit obedience to the laws of the Koran as the ultimate of truth, of knowledge, and of righteousness. (From the Koran: "And it is not for a believer, man or woman, to have any choice in their affairs, when God and His Apostle have decreed a matter: and whoever disobeyeth God and His Apostle, erreth with palpable error") His creed was made for all men; those who refused to accept it were to be subdued or destroyed. His followers of every name—Persians, Moors, Arabs, Turks, representing the three Continents of Asia, Africa, and Europe—were united in rejecting the divinity of Christ, and hating Christianity. War was their great argument; their aim was the sovereignty of the earth. Nor was power the only reward offered to true believers. The harems of this world and the houries of heaven were to be theirs. It was not strange that they seized upon his promises, so flattering to the pride and the passions of men. They made of warfare for the faith the profession of their lives, the avenue to gain and glory. Like a consuming fire, driven by a furious wind, they burst over the Eastern churches, offering only the alternative of destruction or conversion. The sacred buildings of these degenerate sects were leveled to the ground, or transformed into mosques, where none but men might enter, worshippers of Allah and of Mahomet his prophet. During a hundred years the Christians of Asia, Africa, and Southern Europe were beaten down by successive floods of invasion. Finally the Moslems, gathering all their powers, came as with the determined purpose to subdue all the kingdoms of Europe, and to blot out forever the name of Christendom from the islands of the Northern Ocean. Had the battle of Tours, fought in 732, been decided in favor of the False Prophet, Europe might now be under the heel of a Caliph, and the muezzin chanted from the towers of Paris and London; and our Pilgrim ancestors, if, indeed, they came, would have come to propagate the Koran among the savages of Massachusetts. For the time, Islam was checked, never again to penetrate so far Into Europe. But the East was sorely ravaged for centuries. Jerusalem was twice taken, and finally, in 1185, became the prey of the Saracens. Little is left of it but a heap of ruins. Constantinople fell In 1453. Both these cities have been retained by the victors. Their condition of Ignorance, misery, and decay is the strongest commentary on Mahometan rule.