Robert Brayton McFarland
written by Robert Brayton McFarland Robert was born in 1908, the son of Sim and Cynthia Irene McFarland in a 2 room
frame house on the west end of Martinez St. (Main St.), Logan, NM. A couple of years later
the family moved to the country.
Robert enjoyed growing up on the ranch and especially enjoyed freighting cattle feed and
other supplies to the ranch farther north in the sand hills. The wagon was drawn by a
"four up" of little Jennette mules. It was lots of fun when not loaded to sit
down in the bottom of the wagon and see how fast the mules could run. The wheel team had
to be held back slightly, to keep the lead team from coming unhitched from the wagon.
It wasn't much fun on a cold winter morning to milk 6 or 8 cows by hand, but was an
important part of the family living to seperate milk and ship the cream to market in 5
gallon cans.
Robert had 2 brothers, Reel and Quinten (who died in infancy), 3 sisters, Cynthia, Wilma,
and Hazel.
He graduated from Logan High School in 1926. He worked for New Mexico Highway Department
until the fall of 1930, then registered in the engineering department of New Mexico State
University. After two years economic conditions forced him to leave college and look for a
job. Later that year he returned to the rance to help his father with the livestock.
Drought and depressed market prices forced the final liquidation of the cattle business in
On May 3, 1934 Robert married Ovene, the daughter of a homestead family near Gallegos, NM.
Ovene's parents, Otha and Mary Osborn moved to Logan and operated a grocery store until
after she graduated from high school. Ovene had 1 brother, Otha Jr, 1 sister Mary Jean.
Before marriage Ovene liked to help Robert work cattle. After marriage, her husband like
to tell that he married her to keep from paying a cowpuncher $1.50 a day. Ovene was a top
hand for 46 years.
(Robert and Ovene) both went to work in the McFarland Bros. Bank in 1943, she worked the
insurance business, at the ranch and home.
(Robert and Ovene) bought the McFarland Bros. Bank in 1962, retaining Sim as President,
and Cynthia Irene (as) Vice President as long as they lived.
Robert and Ovene had one child, Robert Jr.
Bobby was active in school, graduating from Logan. He was active in 4-H, feeding calves
from the family registered herd, and showing them in the County and State Fairs.
After College, Bobby was President of the Bank for a couple of years before his death in
The family worked together at the Bank, the enjoyed loading into the Bronco 4-wheel drive
pickup, going to the sandhill ranch to check cattle, fix windmills or wells.
They were reluctant to give up the ranch because of the extra benefits of exercise and
recreation. They loved the country where "The wind drew the water and the Cow chopped
the wood."
The sandhill ranch was sold in 1973.
The bank building was doubled in size in 1972 to make room for an improved vault with safe
deposit boxes and general use.
The bank was sold in 1977 with the present owners (*note this was written sometime after
1982), Marguerite Poling and family operating a good family business.
Robert and Ovene sponsored the construction of the educational building at the First
Baptist Church when they retired from business in 1977. Ovene was a member of First
Baptist Church, Logan, Parent Teachers Association, and Bethel Chapter #15, order of the
Eastern Star, of Tucumcari, NM.
A malignancy condition claimed her life in 1980.
Robert was a Deacon in the First Baptist Church, a thirty second degree Mason, and the
first Mayor of Logan, serving from 1959 until his term expired in 1982. The community gave
him surprise party when he retired.
The first trustees of the Village in addition to the Mayor were, Johnie Dugger, Mike
Moralez, Joe Shollenbarger, and T.H. Smith. Ruby Smith was clerk, also serving without a
Robert Married Ruby Smith in 1981. She has always been active in community activities, a
member of First Baptist Church and Bethel Chapter #15, order of the Eastern Star of
Tucumcari, NM. She has reorganized the McFarland family reunion, having it each summer at
our "Hill Top Home" on highway 39 north side of Logan.
By -- Robert McFarland