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What's in a Name?
(CNN/YouTube, 2m42s)
Obama and Bush are 11th cousins (Interactive Family Tree, Chicago Sun Times)
Barack Hussein (Barry) Obama, Jr.'s genealogy
Meaning & Origin: From the Arabic personal name, Husayn,
derived from the Arabic hasuna, meaning "to be good" or "to be handsome or beautiful."
Hasan, for which Hussain is a derivative, was the son of Ali and the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad.
Surname Origin: Muslim
Barack Hussein (Barry) Obama, Jr. (Hussein = handsome one),
Barack= (African and Hebrew) Blessed
How to pronounce "Hussein" properly
(play in .mp3 format)
John Sidney McCain III (Sidney = contraction of St. Dionysius,
who was a martyred saint beheaded with a sword also wide, well-watered land),
John= God is gracious, merciful - Hebrew, YAHWEH is gracious. Yahweh is another name for God.)
Michael Dale Huckabee (Dale = a broad valley),
(Mike= Who is like God?, Hebrew)
Ronald Ernest Paul (Ernest = truth),
Ronald= (English) Advisor to the King
Robert Laurence "Bob" Barr, Jr. (Robert = bright fame, English) (Laurence = Laurel-Crowned, French)
Charles O. "Chuck" Baldwin, Dr. (Charles = manly, farmer, German)
[ source(s):
WCSC News5
& Yahoo
& Search for Ancestors
& Zimbio blog
& Top 10 Worst Presidential Middle Names
"Malice in the Middle" Barack Hussein Obama
and the history of bad middle names in politics.
Listen in .MP3 format
(By David Wallis, Slate, 27Dec06)
Good Magazine: Meet the Candidates (videos) [McCain, Obama, Clinton]
Presidential Debates 1960-2004
The American Presidency & Debates History '60-'04
CNN Presidential Debates
Commission on Presidential Debates
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U.S. Presidential Election 2008
Supreme Court Justice Selector (SCOTUS), 2008
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Republican Primaries & Caucuses 2008
Democratic Primaries & Caucuses 2008
The Electoral College
An Electoral Vote Calculator, state-by-state
NPR NewsHour Electoral Outlook: Vote 2008
Humor, Politics 2008:
( humoresque
D.C. Gossip by Ana Marie Cox, fairly
About Wonkette by
Michelle Malkin
Barack Hussein Obama
other view
John Kerry Mockommercial ('04)
HRC 1984/2008
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Key Issues,
The Election Process,
Political Terms, Glossary, & Definitions,
Videos's Political Humor: 2008 Election Jokes
Amos & Andy, 1928 - Is you gonna be a Democrat or Republican?
(link sources: SeeqPod &
Bob Hope, clip from the 1940 film classic "The Ghost Breakers", "..maybe you know what a zombie is."
and, not humorous:
Remember 9.11.2001
The Victims
those who would kill us.
'Daisy ad' in 1965
( alt) and
in 2008
Freedoms Watch
The Clinton Legacy
Their Secret Life from the 60's to Fahrenheit 911
Citizens United:
' Hillary the Movie' =
watch Previews
' Hillary 1984'
Obama, "That was the point",
from both sides of the aisle,
negative views.
Wolves ('04)
" Juan McCain"
" John 'Juan' McCain"
" Two McCain Moments, Rarely Mentioned"
(by Elisabeth Bumiller, NYT, 24Mar08)
Freedom's Enemies: The Obama File
in timeline print format
Obama's Voting Record,
Obama & Race,
An ExPat in Southeast Asia,
The Jeff and Mike Rant Radio / Podcast
Obama's Money Cartel
the video on YouTube
ATLAH Ministries Opines
ATLAH Pastor Manning explains
News: Political News sources:
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Alphabetical list of Conservative Columnists
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CNN Politics Video 2008
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Fox News 'America's Election HQ 2008' video clips
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HotAir Political News & news links
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Political News Archives Jun07->Today
Newser Political News
NRO: National Review Online
Onion News Network: videos
PBS: the Online News Hour, Presidential Election Coverage: Vote 2008
Lesson Plans
PBS News for Students & Resources for Teachers, Grades 7-12
Political News Daily's Election Campaign 2008
PR Newswire Public Interest Services:
Congressional, Senatorial, Gubernatorial and Presidential Campaigns News
Real Clear Politics: Political News
Washington Post's Candidates Election News Collection, interactive
Reuters Politics & Political News
Washington Times Election 2008 News

Yahoo Election News
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Washington Times 2008 Election News
Electoral college bypass approved by 2nd state (WND, Tu.15Jan08)
[ Historical Documents
(Wallbuilders) ]
'New York Times' political sites guide
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Dennis Miller: WDTK 1400 Detroit, MI
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Radio America, Live,
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Glenn Beck: 570AM KNS
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Governor Mike Huckabee, radio talk show archives
Twice Daily Commentary: Morning & Afternoon
(about 02Jan09)
Information Radio Network,
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Streaming News
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simulcast on the web at and previous episodes
are archived at with a number
of listening formats, including podcasts, supported.)
Jackie Mason ( WHEP AM 1310 Sun 5-7pm ET, Live call-in 1-800-449-8255) [ streaming 24/7]
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Lars Larson:
Todays's Show
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Mark Levin Radio Show
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Michael Reagan
WYXC Fox News Talk AM1270 Radio, Cartersville, Ga
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Call-in 1-800-468-MIKE)
Michael Savage: Talk 910AM KNEW
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(src: TalkStreamLive) (weekdays 6-10pm ET)
National Public Radio (NPR) Hourly News Summary
24/7 audio stream (NPR)
Paul Harvey: Listen Now
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ProLife: National Pro-Life Radio
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Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) :
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(.MP3, Real Audio RM, Windows Media Player WM, streaming audio/video)
XM Radio: POTUS '08 24/7 ®
Many more online Radio/TV/Podcasts & Viral Video sources (US, World)
Talk: Traditional American Values
McCain & Obama
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"We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night
to visit violence on those who would do us harm." - - George Orwell
| President, Senate, House Updated Daily
Today-in-History: Read An American Minute
Day-by-Day Calender to Nov.4th
Political Calendar of Events to Nov.4 - Print Version
How does the Election System Work?
MSNBC Decision '08
and also see the™
Click here to read More Election News
Opines: and the God-O-Meter Ratings for McCain & Obama
"Civil Tongues"
(by Cal Thomas, 9Apr08, Washington Times)
Commentary by Alan I. Abramowitz
Forecasting the 2008 Presidential Election with the Time-for-Change Model (references, Google) "
Abramowitz’ call for November: A popular vote of 54.3 percent for Obama versus 45.7 percent for McCain (Th.11Sep08, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution)
"Malice in the Middle,
Barack Hussein Obama and the history of bad middle names in politics"
(by David Wallis, 27Dec06,
"What's in a name?" on Obama:
"What brought us here?"
(Victor Davis Hanson)
Bill Cunningham mentions Obama's middle name
alternate video source
(WWL, YouTube)
| Play
| Play
Cunningham replies to McCain
6m37s,, FoxNews, YouTube with political news links
McCain Threw Me Under the Bus!
(5m49s, CNN)
Ann Coulter opines on Obama
(YouTube, FoxNews,
on Nader:
Before Obama...Nader (
The Lawyers' Party
(by Bruce Walker, in the "American Thinker" 17Mar08)
Daryl Cagle's "The Cagle Post"SM Cartoons & Pundits, Columnists, Commentary & Cartoons
Parties, Political History, POTUS:
Guide to American Political Parties
The Party Matters .
Fr. Frank Pavone, M.E.V. &
A collection of over 500 public domain images of American Political History
(example: Map of the Presidential Election of 1860)
Third Party Watch
American Flag & The Pledge of Allegiance
Birth of the Two Party System, 1800
History of American political parties
(democrat, republican, federalist, whig)
The Presidency & Cabinent
History of POTUS
links (President Of The United States)
Historical Outline of American Political Parties
List of Political Parties in the U.S. (now & then)
Political Parties: list of, web sites, history of current & former,
Political Parties, U.S.
Presidential Campaign Slogans 1840-2004
Speeches, Historical Presidential (1790-2001)
The 1st Presidential Election, 1789
Meet the Presidents:
George W. Bush
- Bill Clinton
- Ronald Reagan
- George H.W. Bush
- John F. Kennedy
- Herbert Hoover
- Richard M. Nixon
(src:, NBC 'Meet the Press')
Voice Library of U.S. Presidents from Harrison to Bush
The Chief Executive of the United States of America from G.Washington, 1789 - G.Bush, present
The 14 "Lost Presidents" of the Continental Congress & the Congress of Confederation
Associated Content,
Harrold's index of History links,,,
Priests for Life,
The History Guy,
Presidential Trivia:
List of United States Presidential Names
Names of Presidents & First Ladies
What are the middle names of all the US presidents?
A short Quiz: President's Middle Names
Quiz on US Presidents -- Washington through Tyler (from 1789 to 1845)
Test your knowledge of the Presidents (
Harrold's links to Online books,,,, & Look, Listen, Learn
"When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President; I`m beginning to believe it."
-- Clarence Darrow
Polls / Polling Results:
Dem versus Rep, head-to-head
( src: Polls by state, by region [mapped] )
CNN Polls 2008
Electoral College, Money / War Chest, President, Governors, Senate, House (mapped)
Fox Polls
Gallup Polls & News
Polling Report
Whitehouse Polls for the
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MSNBC: Live Votes FAQs about Polls, List/Links to Public Pollsters from A to Z, Poll Blogs & Sites, Research Organizations and Academic Surveys
Rasmussen Reports (Yahoo)
Rasmussen Reports:
Presidential Tracking
daily poll Today
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Latest Polls, listed by state
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Delegate counts:
RCP National Polls
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USAStrawPolls: Presidential Straw Polls
Sample Size & Margin of Error
Federal Review Poll:
(Federal Review 2008 Composite Poll and Electoral Vote Composite, A Statistical, Weighted Meta Average of Polling
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ABC's 5 Question Politics Trivia Quiz
PBS: Vote by Issue Quiz
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1994 versus 2008: The Political Quiz Show, 25 Questions to see where you stand e.g. left or right
"War has rules, mud wrestling has rules - politics has no rules." -- Ross Perot