Dictionary, Firearms: Abbreviations, Definitions & Opinions
by Morris L. Hallowell, IV - Hallowell & Co., Fine Sporting Guns
(linked from: GunsInternational.com,
Glossary of Firearms/Gun Terms)
Taking Back the Infantry Half-Kilometer-Increasing Small Arms Lethality ..
A Monograph By Major Thomas P. Ehrhart,
United States Army,
School of Advanced Military Studies,
United States Army Command and General Staff College,
Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
AY 2009
Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Online Books, full text, read online, download, or print
'Stick to Your Guns: How to Legally Carry Firearms "Almost Anywhere", Anytime' (19 pages, view online via Scribd.com)
'Stick to Your Guns: How to Legally Carry Firearms "Almost Anywhere", Anytime' (19 pages, .pdf format, 5MB, download or view online)
Gun Facts - Your Guide to Debunking Gun Control Myths (111 pages, version 6, view online via Scribd.com)
Gun Facts - Your Guide to Debunking Gun Control Myths (111 pages, version 6, .pdf format, 2.5MB, download or view online)
Concealed Weapon - Carry Safety/Training
Concealed Carry Videos
(source: U.S. Cocealed Carry Association)
Sighting & Bore Alignment
Impact Point versus Inclination and Cant Angles
(interactive visual, .177, 16fp, 25 yards, 2" bull)
Shooter Ready? Mil-Dot Ranging
Shooter Ready? Long Range Shooting
(8 stages, 3 targets, 3 calibers)
Mil-Dot and MOA, an in-depth study
The Truth about Mil-Dots
Slide Show: Mils for Ranging and Holds
Bushnell: Mil Dot Reticle Instructions (.pdf)
Leopold: Tactical Supplement for the Mil Dot Reticle (.pdf)
MilDot Firing Solutions calculator at MilDot.com
Truth about Mil Dots
(article, boomershoot.org)
Full Text Books, Magazines, Articles:
- 2nd Amendment (Google)
- Firearms (Google)
- Firearms (Google)
- Food Storage (Google)
- Gun Control (Google)
- Gun Safety (Google)
- How to Can Food (Google)
- Gun Dictionary Myths & Truths Scary Words from (BoomerShoot.org)
- Rifle (Google)
- Shotgun (Google)
- Sniper Training (Google)
- Sport Shooting (Google)
- Survival Training (Google)
Guns, Guns, Guns: All Resources About Guns
Firearms links,
alphabetized, categorized, regionalized & searchable at:
http://www.gunsgunsguns.com (link source: E. Bell)
Bullet Energy Calculator
Source: Guns Save Lives
A History of Firearms
(at: http://www.gunhoo.com/firearms-history.html)
- The History of Firearms Identification (.pdf)
- Chinese Contributions to Technology
- Gunpowder
- Muzzle Loaders
- Making a Matchlock Musket (tutorial)
- The American Revolution: The Ferguson Rifle
- The Rifle versus The Musket
- The American Firearms Institute: Important Dates in Gun History (14 A.D. to 1983)
- Gun Information for Shooters: Matchlock
(The above history links source was recommended 19Jan12 by J.W. & L.W., Philadelphia Social Club.)
2ndAmendmentTV.com Videos
on our rights
M1 Garand - Principles of Operation (1943) United States
Rifle, Caliber .30, M1 view on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJJeBXZeVZU
(15m32s) Uploaded by nuclearvault on Mar 2, 2011
This Army Training film explains the principles of
operation of the M1 (Garand) Infantry Rifle. The US Rifle M1 was the
first semiautomatic rifle to be the standard small arm of the US Military,
requiring a trigger pull to fire a round but automatically chambering the next
round. This not only greatly increased the rate of fire over bolt-action
rifles, but made it far easier to reacquire a target after each round. It
was also the first semiautomatic rifle to be adopted by a major military power.
It was the product of a genuine genius, John Cantius Garand.
MARKSMANSHIP (1971, video 27m23s)
ARC Identifier 36901 / Local Identifier 111-TF-4320
(1971, audio quality low) Department
of Defense. Department of the Army. Office of the Chief Signal Officer.
(09/18/1947 - 02/28/1964).
Fundaments of Rifle
Marksmanship (1999, video 16m48s)
United States Marine Corp (USMC), AVA21011VNB1, 1999
Watch at: http://archive.org/details/gov.ntis.ava21011vnb1 This program explains and demonstrates the proper
fundamentals of aiming, breath control, and trigger control in rifle
Fundamentals Of Small Arms Weapons (1945) - Part 1 of 3 (18m56s)
view on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZX7X3pJgH8
Uploaded by nuclearvault on Aug 11, 2010 Department of Defense, PIN 29862
Fundamentals Of Small Arms Weapons
(1945) - Part 2 of 3 (12m47s) view on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgF0X1zjLNY
Uploaded by nuclearvault on Aug 11, 2010 Department of Defense, PIN 29863
Fundamentals Of
Small Arms Weapons (1945) - Part 3 of 3 (9m45s) view on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PfNZPSvsAU
Uploaded by nuclearvault on Aug 11, 2010
Department of Defense, PIN 29864
view on Youtube:

Uploaded by PublicResourceOrg on Aug 7, 2010
- National Archives and Records Administration - ARC Identifier 36734 / Local Identifier 111-TF-2970 - Department of Defense. Department of the Army. Office of the Chief Signal
Officer. (09/18/1947 - 02/28/1964). Design and Capabilities - Field Stripping Provisions - Cycle of Function - Feeding, Chambering, Locking, Firing, etc. -
Semiautomati and Automatic Operations. (DVD Copied by Master Scanner Tomas Gideon).
AR15 (Stoner)/M16 Operation And Functioning Cycle
US Army film detailing the operation and function of Eugene Stoner's AR15/M16 rifle design.
view on Youtube:
US ARMY, TF 9 3663 (1966)
Fundamentals of Small Arms Weapons
Fundamentals Of Ballistics - 1948 United States Army (video, 18m2s)
AR-15: How to load, unload & fire '101'
(H/T Lucky Gunner Lounge)
"Rounds Of Authority" (FLETC, 1997) 18m17s
Shotgun Ammunition (available to the public)
Watch on Youtube at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=lda2vkf6F9U&feature=endscreen
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC)
gov.ntis.ava20354vnb1 VP-005-97
video source: http://youtu.be/lda2vkf6F9U
Visit the "Legal Reference Library from the 'California Right To Carry' - Home of the only lawsuit seeking to restore Loaded Open Carry to California" by Charles Nichols, quoted: "Unless one understands the evolution of English common law regarding armed self-defense leading up to the enactment of the Second Amendment as well as understanding American common law leading up to the enactment of the Fourteenth Amendment which qualifies the Second Amendment right as applied to the states, then you have an uninformed opinion." Charles Nichols, quoted from his 'legal library' re RTKBA http://blog.californiarighttocarry.org/?page_id=4204, "I have filed a Federal Civil Rights lawsuit seeking to overturn California's 1967 ban on carrying a loaded firearm in public for the purpose of self-defense and for other lawful purposes."
References, cited on Nichol's legal library page:
The Statutes at Large From the Magna Charta to the end of the Eleventh Parliament of Great Britain Volume 1 1762
The Statutes at Large From the 15th Year of King Edward III to the 13th Year of King Henry IV inclusive Volume II 1762
A Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown Volume 1 Hawkins 1716
A Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown Sixth Edition Volume 1 Hawkins 1777
A Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown Sixth Edition Volume 1 Hawkins 1787
A Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown Seventh Edition Volume 1 Hawkins 1795
A Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown Seventh Edition Volume 4 Hawkins 1795
A Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown Volume 1 Hawkins 1803
A Treatise of the Pleas of the Crown Eighth Edition Volume 1 Hawkins 1824
Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States Volume 3 Joseph Story 1833
Compiled Laws of the State of California Garfielde 1853
The Statutes of California B. B. Redding 1855
Statutes of California Allen 1857
Statutes of California Avery 1863
The General Laws of the State of California, from 1850 to 1864 Bancroft 1871
A Treatise on Crimes and Misdemeanors Sixth Edition Volume 1 Oldnall 1896
Commentaries on the Laws of England Book 1 Blackstone 1793
Commentaries on the Laws of England Book 2 Blackstone 1767
Commentaries on the Laws of England Book 3 Blackstone -1807
Commentaries on the Laws of England Twelfth Edition Book 4 1795
Commentaries on the Laws of England In Two Volumes Volume 2 Books 3 and 4 Blackstone 1908
Commentaries on the Laws of England Book 4 Blackstone 1902
The American Students Blackstone G. Chase Edition 1884
Alexis De Tocquevilles Democracy in America has been cited in Second Amendment cases.
Democracy in America Volume 1 Alexis de Tocqueville 1839
Democracy in America Volume 2 Alexis de Tocqueville 1840
Democracy in America Volume 3 Alexis de Tocqueville 1840
"This link http://blog.californiarighttocarry.org/?page_id=201 will take you to one hundred years of American state court legal decisions from 1822 to 1923.", Charles Nichols, "If you dont read the debate which went on within the American States regarding the Second Amendment right then where does your knowledge of what the Second Amendment means as defined by the courts come from?"
History of Bell Target Shooting an old Black Country Sport
an article by Frank Spittle at
some UK sports history
(formerly on the now defunct http://www.hinkleyairrifle.com, "Hinkley & District Air Rifle League, UK"
a game post by Dave Wykes)
(Preface) This manual provides guidance on the operation and marksmanship of the pistol, M9, 9-mm; pistol, M1911A1, caliber .45; and the revolver, caliber .38. It reflects current Army standards in weapons qualifications. It is a guide for the instructor to develop training programs, plans, and lessons that meet the objectives of the United States Army Marksmanship Program for developing combat effective marksmen. The soldier develops confidence, knowledge, and skills by following the guidelines in this manual. [*1]
Washington, DC, 3 October 1988
[*1] This publication supersedes FM 23-35, 24 September 1971.
Approved for Public Release; Distribution is Unlimited
Stephen Ricciardelli's "Gun Manuals" (very extensive, in Adobe .pdf format)
Gun Manuals For Nearly EVERY Firearm On The Planet (eBooks & .pdf)
Firearms Related Statistics & Data Source: Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC)
Gun Control Survey: 11 key lessons from officers' perspectives
Guns Save Lives: Incident Map
H/T Christopher Mares's Tu.17Oct17 FB post
Gun Laws, Rules, Regulations, RKBA, CCW
Disclaimer: Laws can change. The accuracy of linked sources is not guaranteed. Confirm to the provisions of appropriate government agencies.
Gun Vehicle Gun Laws, an Interactive Map
(source: http://www.gunvault.com)
Firearms Legislation In The 112th Congress (GunOwners.org)
Open Carry (laws, status, petitions)
RTC CCWP Reciprocity
CCWP Carry License Reciprocity State By State (CCRKBA)
CCWP Handgun Laws & States' Reciprocity Maps (16Sep11, HandGunLaw.us)
Concealed Carry Permit Reciprocity Maps (USACarry.com, 14Dec11)
Concealed Carry Permit Information by State & Territory (USACarry.com, 14Dec11)
Concealed Carry Permit Examples (images, USACarry.com, 14Dec11)
U.S. Handgun Laws
(w/U.S. State Pages & Reciprocity Maps)
note, definitions: Shall Issue, May Issue, Right Denied (explained below map, USACarry.com)
Permit Reminder Service (via email)
GunCite.com: Second Amendment
(To Preserve & Guarantee)
Gun Control
Gun Control: A Statistical Perspective
Other Gun Control Information
Gun Control Websites
Gun Control News
The Gun Control Reading Room
Gun Laws
Alternatives to Gun Control
Gun Violence
U.S. & 44 States' "Right to Keep and Bear Arms"
Constitutional protections!
Law Making Hysteria
(by Kim Weissman June 6, 1999)
Steve Ricciardelli's Firearms Pages:
Illustrated Parts Breakdowns (IPBs by manufacturer)
Rifle Illustrated Parts Breakdowns
Handgun Illustraed Parts Breakdowns
Shotgun Illustrated Parts Breakdowns
Reloading Tools Illustrated Parts (also see B)
Firearms (Owner's) Manuals (.pdf format)
from A to Z, by manufacturer/model
Firearms from A to Z, by manufacturer & model
Flashlights, Metal Detectors,
Optics, Scopes
Optics, Photography, by manufacturer/model
Reloading Tools, by manufacturer
Other: Sharpening Tools, Rests, Dremel, Rifle Basix
Tipton: chamber cleaning tool, gunvise, range box
U.S. / Canadian Military Manuals
U.S. Military (and Correspondence Courses & some forms)
Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy
U.S. Joint Services
Federal Highway
Archival Books (Guns amp; Reloading)
Old Firearms & Reloading Manuals (by author/year/title, 1910-1971)
"How To..." Manuals (various by author/date/title, 1953-2008)
ANSI-SAAMI Publications: Weapons, Accessories, Components, Issues
Firearms/Weapons Magazines (back issues)
by year-volume/number
American Handgunner (2001-2003)
American Survival guide (1984-1992)
Guns Magazine (1955-2009)
Swat Magazine (2004)
Magazine Articles (Magazine, Issue, Author, Title)
Guns Magazine (1955-2009)
Why Reload? (Steve Ricciardelli observations)
Product/Supplier links
- personally loaded
- downloadable catalogs
- reloading & firearms, general
- reloading data
- JAVA Ballistic Page
- cartridge drawings & dimensions
- bullets & ballistics
- Ballistic Software Downloads
Reloading Tables (.17 Bee to Winchester AA 20-Gauge)
Firearms & Ammunition Related (1908-2010)
Company Histories
Cartidges, cases: pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun
- construction, types, conversion tables, energy formula, glossary, recoil formula, shot table
Case Information: equipment, case life, headstamps, C.U.P vs. PSI, dimensions, headspace chart
Powder: appearance, burning rates, handling, density, SAAMI Pressure limits, velocity v BBL length, velocity v temp
Game Information: recipes, speed, weights
Scoresheets: skeet, five stand, skeet doubles, targets, trap, MS Excel Spreadsheets, Sporting Clays, firearms inventory/registration
N.R.A. Corner: Armed Citizen, anti-firearms personalities/companies/organizations/media, Federal/State Laws,
Mix 'N' Mach: Gun Box Plans, Shooting Bench Plans, Loading Bench Plans, Sample Targets, Loading Cabinent Plans, Target Analysis, Neal Knox Report, and Steve Ricciardelli's Quiz
Download the free "
Gun Facts ebook" that
debunks gun-conrol myths. (by Guy Smith)
Read the full book below.
Other eBooks recommended by Guy Smith: (http://www.gunfacts.info/other-docs/) Assault
Weapons Ban - Briefing Book This booklet is designed for
mass printing and distribution to media, politicians, and the public. It
covers the federal "assault weapons" ban and debunks the myths behind the origin
and effect. Prints on two sheets, two sided, 8.5" X 14". Kino's can
produces these for pennies each. Print, single fold, center staple.
Space is left to include your own contact information. Jury nullification and the 2nd Amendment One
citizen on a jury can legally stop a bad gun law using nullification. If a
number of convictions are stopped citing violation of 2nd Amendment rights
through nullification, then the law becomes void. Read up and be ready to
take a seat in the jury box. Yelling Fire The
argument that "you cannot yell 'fire' in a crowded
theater" as proof that there can be reasonable regulation of the Right to
Keep and Bear Arms is at best tortured, and if applied in reverse, is clearly
fraudulent. There is some interesting history behind this story - history
that would make the ACLU cringe.
6 Things All Americans Should Know About the Second Amendment
The Right To Keep And Bear Arms (RKBA)
(Report of the Senate Subcommittee on the Constitution of the United States, Ninety-Seventh Congress, Second Session, February 1982)
Sources on the Second Amendment and
Rights to Keep and Bear Arms in State Constitutions (JPFO.org)
(Original produced by Prof. Eugene Volokh, UCLA Law School, 1986)
Firearms Act of 1968: "Gun Controls" Nazi Connection (JPFO.org)
(.. evidence suggests that the Gun Control Act of 1968 was lifted, almost in its entirety, from Nazi legislation.
Reference the English translation [plus a link to the original (copy) in German.]
Gun Facts
(an ebook by Guy Smith, 2011, .pdf format)
laws that forbid the carrying of arms ... disarm only those who are
neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes. Can it be supposed
that those who have the courage to violate the most sacred laws of
humanity ... will respect the less important and arbitrary ones ...
Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the
assailants, they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides,
for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an
armed man." — Thomas Jefferson
right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered,
as the palladium of the liberties of the republic; since it offers a
strong moral check against usurpation and arbitrary power of the
rulers; and will generally, even if these are successful in the first
instance, enable the people to resist and triumph over them." —Justice
Joseph Story, Commentaries on the Constitution (1833)
Quotes Source: http://www.tysknews.com/Depts/2nd_Amend/tysk_2nd_amend.htm
RFH, note - One of my favorite of Halbrook's books is Book4, "The Founders Second Amendment - Origins of the Right to Bear Arms" (2008)
Halbrook, "Do Americans have a constitutional right to bear arms? Or is this power vested solely in government? Recent years have seen a sea change in scholarship on the Second Amendment. Beginning in the 1960s, a revisionist view emerged that individuals had a right to bear arms only in militia service a limited, collective right. But in the late 1980s a handful of scholars began producing an altogether persuasive analysis that changed thinking on the matter, so that today, even in canonical textbooks, bearing arms is acknowledged as an individual right. Stephen Halbrooks The Founders Second Amendment is the first book-length account of the origins of the Second Amendment, based on the Founders own statements as found in newspapers, correspondence, debates, and resolutions. Mr. Halbrook investigates the period from 1768 to 1826, from the last years of British rule and the American Revolution through to the adoption of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and the passing of the Founders generation. His book offers the most comprehensive analysis of the arguments behind the drafting and adoption of the Second Amendment, and the intentions of the men who created it. With the question of the right to bear arms scheduled to come before the Supreme Court in the spring of 2008, The Founders Second Amendment could scarcely be more timely."
Available at Amazon with other Stephen Halbrook books.