Our Flag -
TOC: Old Glory
One Nation Under God
- Particular days of Display (src: Wikipedia)
- Days to be flown at Half-Mast / half staff (federal guidelines, src: Wikipedia)
- Do you know American Flag Etiquette?
source: American Flag Info: USA Flag Site, Patriotic pictures - All things American
- Flag Etiquette
- Flag Etiquette
(alt, src: Disabled American Veterans)
- Respect the Flag
- American Flag, Ritual for a worn out Flag
(alt, src: Disabled American Veterans)
- U.S. Flag Lesson Plan
- Flag News
- Flag News
- Guidelines for Displaying
- Its History, Display & Care
- I Am The Flag
(Rocky & Shirl's)
- I Am Your Flag
(Operation Mom)
- Flag Day 14June-U.S. Holidays
- Flag Day Lesson Plan (14 June)
- Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag
- June 14, Flag Day -
Related Days
- The Flag, [Our] Symbol of Freedom
- American History, The Flag & Pledge
- Title 18USC700, Chapter 33;
Desecration of the Flag of the U.S.
- United States Code Title 36, Chapter 10:
Patriotic Customs, Anthem & Flag
- U.S. Code:
Title 4, Chapter 1 - The Flag
- US Flag Code
(alt, src: Disabled American Veterans)
- links to Flag
Information on the Web
- Why the American Flag is folded the way It is.
- Flag Facts, History, Etiquette
(src: niceflag.com)
- History of the United States of America's Flag
(authentic flags replicas, America's History, Charles L. and Rosemary F. Kissel collection)
- origins of 'The red, white and blue' of the American flag
(quote, "..a canton of blue "surcharged with thirteen white stars forming a new constellation in the firmament of nations." )
- US Flag Facts & color specifications (US Emb.,UK)
(link src
w/American Flag Images (including print ready)
- U.S. Vexillology
(Flags of the World at
CRW Flags online)
- Flags of the American War for Independence
(src: NSSAR)
Flag Days, Etiquette, Care, Folding, Half-Staff, disposal'n more (capitalflags.com)
- Print-Ready Flags
- U.S. Flag Graphics
- Animated US & State Flags
- Small Desktop Flag
- Printable Flag Images
- American Flags: National/Historical
(src: US, State & Districts, Territories, Possessions Guide)
- U.S. Flag Screen Saver, Win
- U.S. Flag Screen Saver, Mac
+ U.S. Military/POW Flag Screen Savers
+ 3D U.S. Flag Screen Saver
- All Things American Flag
(source: TheFlagPole.com)
- U.S. & State Flag Images
src: Rezn8
& src: usflag.org
Our "Ragged Old Flag" - What It's been through.
Right-click then open, to learn about it.
(narration/song by Johnny Cash, Lyrics
(The Song of the Patriot,
"The Song of the Patriot" written during the Vietnam era, and recorded by Johnny Cash (with Marty singing harmony), written by Marty Robbins/Shirl Milete)
(src: Chef Bill's Cajun Country)
- On the "Star Spangled Banner" by Francis Scott Key, Isaac Asimov's: "No Refuge Could Save" short story (includes all four stanzas, in formatted HTML)
- On the "Star Spangled Banner" by Francis Scott Key, Isaac Asimov's: "No Refuge Could Save" short story (includes all four stanzas, in plain text format)
- Beetle Bailey's Flag Salute (.swf)
by Mort Walker for the USO
[Download Macromedia Flash & Shockwave (.swf) Players]
U.S. Flags by Year:
- The History of Memorial Day
- Confederate Flags
- Confederate Stars and Bars
- Flags of the Confederacy (FOTC)
Confederate Memorial Day was origin of Federal Memorial Day
- Confederate Memorial Day: Georgia
Many Southern states have their own days for honoring
the Confederate dead.
Mississippi celebrates Confederate Memorial Day
the last Monday of April, Alabama on the fourth Monday of April & Georgia on April 26.
North & South Carolina observe it May 10,
Louisiana on June 3 & Tennessee calls that date Confederate Decoration Day.
Texas celebrates Confederate Heroes Day January 19 &
Virginia calls the last Monday in May Confederate Memorial Day.
AL 29Apr, FL GA 25Apr Sat/28 Mon
MS 26Apr, NC SC 10May, Va 27/30May, KY LA MS 3Jun, TX 19Jan,
Civil War Poetry & Music '61-'65
& the
- Confederate Flag

- World's Flags Database
Veterans Day 2001
November 11th Proclamation
President Bush Honors America's Veterans 11Nov03
Read a History of the U.S. National Anthem
(Also here, read Isaac Asimov's story about our (U.S.A.) Anthem.)
Hear it sung by Valerie Ash, Crozier, VA
listen now (.ram)
About the Scrambler Applet (Copyright 1997-2000 by Timothy W Macinta)