flag at half mast
Dec. 7, 1941 - Pearl Harbor Killed: 2,403 September 11 Families News Sep. 11, 2001 - WTC/Pentagon/PA Killed: 2996
English, El español, Français, Deutsch, L'italiano, Portugues, Norsk - The word Arabic as a graphic imageArabic alt English, Chinese Chinese Big 5 graphic, Japanese Japanese graphic, Korean korean script Russian , Hindii/Sanskrit hindii graphic (alt) - Pronunciation ***   • 9.11 fading? Listen: Secure-Skies.org (brief intro) Global Incident Map Displaying Terrorist Acts, Suspicious Activity, and General Terrorism NewsIslamofacism
WTC 20040930
Support our Troops & Defend AmericaSend Your Thanks to the MilitaryA Message to terroristsWanted: skull and cross bones Terrorist Criminals
Fallen Heroes (firefighters) Scholarship FundCrusades & The Tenth CrusadeWe Won't Forget! - The Blood of [American] Heroes
Today is

WTC · Remembrances · Help · Our Flag · Our Pledge · Lessons · Writings & Music · Taps · Pearl Harbor · Tribunals · Audio/Video Plugins & Media Players · Ancillary · Where · Wanted · Declare War
September 11, 2001 - Presidential Statement Watch and Listen to the President addressing the Nation on September 11th, 2001readListen

Wanted by Federal, State, Local & Foreign Police (photos)
A Terrorist Organization Database (search)
Support Our Troops

DHS & Win Tray Monitor (code) & POW-MIA
"Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoscet."
A Right and Just Crusade The Jerusalem or Crusader's Cross Symbol - 925 Bytes What this War Means for All of Western Civilization A Speaker GIF Image.
small U.S. Flag
The American Flag
All Things American Flag
TheFlagPole.com's America Sept.11, 2001 (.swf)
music created by Ilya Slovesnik for the former "september11victims.com"
Search List - src: www.September11Victims.com © 2001 - 2005 Alex Spektor - Links Statistics Songs
DefenseLink.mil lookback emblem
Amazing Grace A Speaker GIF Image.Stream in Real Audio (AFRC)
9.11 music - NATCA
National Days of Prayer and Remembrance
Friday, September 5, through Sunday, September 7, 2003

Patriot Day: Presidential Proclamation - Display Flag at Half-Staff
9.11 Class Lessons
Media Players
             Patriot Day is observed September 11th. ref. Public Law No: 107-89
The Congress, by Public Law 85-529, as amended, has designated May 1 of each year as "Loyalty Day." ...NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, do hereby proclaim May 1, 2003, as Loyalty Day. I call upon all the people of the United States to join in support of this national observance. I also call upon government officials to display the flag of the United States on all government buildings on Loyalty Day. ..IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of April, in the year of our Lord two thousand three, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and twenty-seventh. GEORGE W. BUSH
Lists of Victims (WTC)
We Remember Their Sacrifice (DoD)
Map: Countries w/Casualties (USDoS)
The Rescuers ( 343 Firemen, photos, NYT* )
Casualties, Missing, Survivors
Shanksville, Pennsylvania Who were they?
Fallen Warriors (DoD, CIA)
..Their Sacrifice (Pentagon)
(* srcs)
Lest We Forget
A Tribute in Pictures - Download and View - 1.6MB in MS Powerpoint .pps .ppt format
Download A Pictoral Tribute
Flag src: OhAngel.com
MS Powerpoint Reader
A Speaker GIF Image.
The Victims
WTC Attack of September 11, 2001 by Muslim terrorists.  Download and view.
with audio and music: src
(2MB flash, music: Enya)
September 11, 2001
The Day (news) Sat Recon (2.3MB)
Chronology of Events (US CNN) MSNBC Timeline 9.11-14
6 Months Later (.pps)
Cleanup/Reconstruction 2Aug02
1 Year Later... (AP) Space Views
(Photos by Space Imaging)
The Rhetoric of 9-11
(speeches & rhetorical artifacts)

folded flag
WTC Tenants - Sunrise Before - 9.11 - Satellite View - Before/After - E3C Recon Photo - NY Newsday WTC
President Bush's Speech small image of document C-Span small TV set image on September 20, 2001 small TV set image
Taps A Speaker GIF Image. 1.3MB, .wav A smaller speaker Image. 177KB, .mp3 (src)
  The Religion of Peace

The religion of War?

Amazing Grace A Speaker GIF Image. ( alt )
Please, download the free RealAudio Plug-in!
src: The Canadian Scottish Regiment (Princess Mary's) Pipes & Drums (Home)
and: The Third Marine Aircraft Wing Band, US Marines Corps (Home)
and: Amazing Grace - U.S. Navy Band & Bagpipes 3m26s (3MB, .mp3)
small TV set image Real Player download A Speaker GIF Image.
• Taps A Speaker GIF Image. w/Lyrics
(Lilesnet.com, Patriotic)
  • Military Honors between Two National Cemeteries
    On May 21, 2005 there will be an attempt to connect two National Cemeteries together with a line of buglers playing Taps
    1. Bugles Across America (by Tom Day)
      "Honoring America's Veterans and their Families. We offer our services to play "Live" Taps during the service, if the family requests."
    2. 24Notes.org (by Josey Johnson III of Texas)
    3. FieldTrumpet.com (by Dan Erickson of Wisconsin)
    4. EchoTaps.org (by Les Hampton of New York)
    5. History of Taps, bugles, bugler, Taps performance guidelines (by Jari Villanueva of Maryland)
    6. Taps: History of
    7. Taps; stories, words
    8. Taps, Arlington Cemetery, Origins small speaker
    9. Taps, Echoing (USAF, 675KB, RM)
      A Speaker GIF Image.
      (src: USAF & AFRC/BA)
    10. Taps, Day is Done...history detailed
    11. TAPS, The True Story! A Speaker GIF Image.
      Right-click then open, to hear the story.

      (narration by John Wayne)
      (src: Chef Bill's Cajun Country) about Bill
      [Real Player download]
  • 9.11 Class Lesson Plans and Materials
  • Remembering 9.11, social studies
    ( Glencoe, The McGraw-Hill Company: all disciplines and all grade levels )
  • In all, 800 persons lost their lives in the course of attacks by militant Islam on Americans before September 2001 - more than killed by any other enemy since the Vietnam War. (Further, this listing does not include the dozens more Americans in Israel killed by militant Islamic terrorists.) - Beirut, Lebanon 23Oct83 Terrorist Bomb Marine Barracks 241 Killed: Their Names. - Major Attacks (c.1980 to 2000) & Past Terrorist Attacks (c.1990 to 9.11) & Post 9.11 Timelines
  • 9/11 Parents, Guía para Padres, Teachers, School Administrators Guides for talking to children, sus hijos, students, and staff (NCCEV)
  • Attack on America - Tuesday, September 11, 2001
    {Reference links for librarians, teachers, students, all readers)
  • BBC: September 11 in Context
    America's Day of Terror (British Broadcasting Corporation)
    1. Bill of Rights Institute: Lesson Plans
    2. September 11th: Civil Liberties (.pdf, 16Sep02)
    3. September 11th: Commemorating America's Civil Values (.pdf)
      (download free Adobe .pdf documents reader)
  • Flag Game • Guess the Nation - FAQ & Info
  • God and Country  †
    U.S. Presidents' Speeches, Patriotic & Historical Documents.
    (also see: reference & history links)
  • Marin County OE, In Response to September 11th: A Resource for Districts & Schools
  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Federal Building and Fire Safety Investigation of the World Trade Center Disaster (FAQs)
    [source: 43 volumes that comprise NIST’s final report on the WTC Towers issued in October 2005]
  • Patriot Day - September 11 Theme
    ( Lessons, Plans, Activiites, Resources from 'A to Z Teacher Stuff')
  • Patriotism Thematic Resources & Character Education
    (by Midge Frazel)
  • Remember September 11 - War on Terrorism
  • September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks
    (source: Wikipedia, the free encylopedia)
  • Surfing the Net with Kids: Remembering September 11th
  • Terrorists, Despots, and Democracy: What Our Children Need to Know
    (Thomas B. Fordham Institute)
  • The Patriot Resource - History: September 11, 2001 (Site Map)
  • Understanding War & Analyzing September 11, 2001 (source: ESR)
  • US Founding Documents of the U.S.A.
  • Voices of the Past - ( NEA links)

  • Top

    Remembrances, Images, Tributes:
    Russia Honors the U.S.A. & 9.11 (.pps slideshow)
    9.11 - Russian gift to the U.S. (printable photos, web page)
    "To the Struggle Against World Terrorism" (also known as the 'Tear of Grief' and the 'Tear Drop Memorial')[photos, captions]
    Big Dog's U.S.A. & Patriotic Pages
    Ground Zero Quilt
    SEPTEMBER 11, 2001: ATTACK ON AMERICA (src: truthusa.com)
    U.S.S. New York (from American Tribute)
    A Tribute to lost loved ones in Iraq, Afghanistan and the WTC on 9/11 (USA Heroes) (from American Tribute)
    USS New York (LPD-21) (from Wikipedia)
    Warship built out of Twin Towers wreckage
    (by Tom Baldwin, The Times, 22May06)
    Remembering September 11 -- 2001 Year in Review (.swf)
    ( source: GOPUSA & Remembering 9-11: Eyewitness to Tragedy posted by Bobby Eberle, 10Sep06 )
      USA Attacked
    1. The Attack (Chronology of Terror, Flight Path, Impact Points, Photos, Videos, Before & After, Mysterious Object)
    2. Recovery of the USS Cole, America-9-11-2001, SlideShow1, Remember the Blood of Heroes...,100 Years of Pictures
    3. Patriotic Items
    America Attacked 9/11 (WTC & Pentagon Memorials)
    from Good Old Dogs
    9/11 Tributes to the Victims, Their Families, and the Many Heroes of September 11th watchreadListen (Jontzen.com)
    America Attacked 9 1 1
    (source: Briley GunStuff.com)
    Bruderhof Peace Barn - A Flight 93 memorial
    ( The Bruderhof Peace Barn is a project of the 5th-8th grade students of the Spring Valley School in Farmington, Pa. These students have converted an old barn into a memorial for the victims of September 11 and especially the heroes of Flight 93, which crashed nearby. In addition they have handcrafted the memorial benches for each passenger and crew member at the Flight 93 memorial in Shanksville. The new Peace Barn website has a beautiful online Flight 93 Memorial with pictures and biographies of all the passengers and crew. )
    September 11 Digital Archive + Library of Congress
    ( Stories, Still Images, Moving Images, Audio, Documents, More Websites & FAQs about the 9/11 attacks )
    Patriotism, America the Beautiful ( src: BuildorBuy.org )
    • 3,031 Flags on Sandy, Utah city hall's mall (from an eMail)
    • A Compilation of Pictures from Around the World
    • A September 11 Resource page, chronology, multimedia and Who, What, Why
    • Remember. We Must Never Forget The Heroes, The Victims.
    • World Trade Tribute: flash/presentations, photo essays, as it was, Memorials
    • 9.11 Slide Shows, Pictorials, Victims Sites, Poetry, Tributes, Symbols
    • World Trade Center (WTC) Attack (850KB, .pps)
    [Download MS Powerpoint reader (for PP97, 2000, 2002; 2.8KB) & for Mac]
    • 9.11 Photo Galleries, Flash & Powerpoint Presentations, Music (four) (also in German/Deutsch)
    • Ancient Faith/Modern Life - A 9/11 Commentary
    by Frederica Mathewes-Green
    • "God Bless America... Again"
    By Loretta Lynn and Conway Twitty
    • Google.com search hits: music/9.11/slideshows
    • A Tribute to Heroes of September 11, 2002
    • Patriotic [.mp3] Music Downloads
    (src: ScubaNaked.com Music)
    • The 11 September War on terror Portal
    (News|Gallery|1st Hand Accounts|Organizations)
    ... And high bandwidth:
    • "Amazing Grace", download formats:
    RM, ZIP, MP3 (AFRC Band, 2.4MB, 3:47)
    A Speaker GIF Image.
    Please, download the free RealAudio Plug-in!
    [solemn] (src: USAF & AFRC/BA)
    • "Amazing Grace", MP3 format A Speaker GIF Image. (Walela, 6MB, 6m:09s ) Please, download the free RealAudio Plug-in!
    [soft, consoling; sung in Cherokee] (src: Walela, album titles & lyrics in 3 part harmonies by Rita Coolidge, sister Priscilla, and niece Laura Satterfield)
    •  Amazing Grace by Faith Hill 4m5s (4MB, .mp3)
    •  ..never to be forgotten, September 11, 2001
        A Memorial to All Who Died [photo montage] (.swf 7MB)
         Intro | Photos before | Photos after | Flash | News | Links
    A Speaker GIF Image. small TV set image
    •  Tribute to the World Trade Center (7MB) by Steve Golding (America Attaced 9 11
    • Patriotic Music Downloads (including "Only Time" by Enya (Eithne Ní Bhraonáin) (3.5MB, .mp3, remix) A Speaker GIF Image.
    • U.S. Navy Carrier Operations (.pps, 600KB)
    • U.S.A.F. B-2 Bomber Movie (.wmv, 3.6MB) small TV set image A Speaker GIF Image.
    [Download Windows Media Player or Player 9 for XP or Mac 7]
    • Have You Forgotten? Forward As One.
    (.wma/.wmv by Nick Cusolito, music by Toby Keith, Motivational 2003b, 58MB, 8m46s)
    • "Courtesy of The Red, White and Blue (The Angry American) "
    by Toby Keith.
    (The Song & movie clips) (.wmv, 3.4MB) small TV set image A Speaker GIF Image. "Clips" Stream in Real Audio  
    The song performance that ABC's Peter Jennings nixed from the network's July 4th, 2002 TV special: USA Today Article, 7Jul02
    alt: "You Can Run but You Can't Hide!" lyrics [alt lyrics/listen A Speaker GIF Image.]
    • What Our Nation is Responding To. [by Steve Golding] (.swf, 7MB)
    [Download Macromedia Flash & Shockwave Players]
    • America, Why I Love Her : John Wayne, 1973 (alt)
    •  USMC"Enduring Freedom, The Opening Chapter" (complete, 8.5MB, .asf) alt Related USMC Video Archives 50KB 250KB
    *If your Windows Media player fails to play .asf files, click here to see note below
    (Media Players and Browser Plugins) Players]


    • National Moment of Remembrance
    • MSN Patriotic Sites
    • Patriotic & Inspirational Diversions (flowgo.com)
    • Inspirational Diversions (whoohoo.net)
    •  September 11 - WTC News from "Bild am SonnTag", Deutschland

    Top (BBC & CNN)
    + the 21st of July attempts

    •  9.11 Memorials - America Remembers (MSNBC, Newsweek)
    "Song of the Patriot" by Johnny Cash [b1932-d2003] (link src: GoodOldDogs.com)


    • The American Flag - "Old Glory": It's History, Etiquette & related links

    • Patriotic Posters
      (30's/40's & Veterans Days Nov.11)
    • Editorial 'toons
    • U.S. Patriotic Days & Holidays
    • Old Bluejacket's Patriotic Flicks
    Timelines of Liberty
    icon of the American Flag 1776

    (source: Poet Patriot)

    "The name of American, which belongs to you, in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of Patriotism.... It should be the highest ambition of every American to extend his views beyond himself, and to bear in mind that his conduct will not only affect himself, his country, and his immediate posterity; but that its influence may be co-extensive with the world, and stamp political happiness or misery on ages yet unborn."
    --George Washington
    source: Patriot Petitions


    Freedom Week
    123 Freedom Week Online Greeting Cards
    July 4-10
    America Remembers
    img src http://www.eatmoregrits.com & http://eatgrits.tripod.com/Backgrounds/BackgroundsByTee.html
    Image Source
    And, A Music Montage
    source:"Back to the Fifties"
    Roosevelt H.S. Alumni, 1951

    Of Men and Cowboys..

    The Blood of Heroes. We must never forget!

    Silent Wings - A Tribute Flight to Fallen Friends
    Airline Pilots Security Alliance

    Bush Cheney '04

    Viper Alley's 9-11-01 Tribute Thread

    What Can You/I Do?
    • FCIC Sep.11 Resources
    • American Liberty Partnership
      Donations, Volunteer, Support
    • Helping People Make a Difference
      Helping.org CNN/AOL
    • Resources to Help/Call MSNBC

    And, from the liberal left:

    A conspiracy theory:
    Pentagon strike - What hit the Pentagon on 9/11?
    (hi-bandwidth, 3MB+, .swf)

    Please visit before the next election:
    Views on Kerry still pictures movie or video video sound or narration text narrative

    "Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoscet."
    History of.

    Attributed to: Arnaud-Armaury, Chief Abbot of the Cistercian monastic order and Abbot of Citeaux, (Bishop) Arnaud de Cîteaux, 22nd July 1209 at the siege of Beziers conducted by him in the area of Languedoc
    [annexed by France] during the Albegensian Crusade. (quote: "..a popular terrorist tactic of indiscriminate massacre..." as ordered by Pope Innocent III (born Lotario de' Conti, son of Count Trasimund of Segni and nephew of Pope Clement III.
    "Caedite eos! Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius" (source) • The Medieval Church, Cathars & A history of Lanquedoc area and the Cathars of the Lanquedoc, Church History & the Cathars's beliefs of Cathars, an Inquistion, and "Holy Horrors" plus books about the events
    9/11: AMERICA REMEMBERS (source: MSNBC)
    •  In memoriam
    •  Remembering the darkest day
    •  Touched by terror
    •  Ground Zero: One year later
    •  Rebuilding the Pentagon
    •  Future of the site
    •  Behind the headlines

    2001 A Year in Review

    • Patriotic Writings & Music
    Patriotic Music A Speaker GIF Image. toc A Speaker GIF Image.
    Ceremonial Music (USAF)
    26 Patriotic Melodies A Speaker GIF Image.
    (LOC: sheet/song, about playing the sound recordings)
    Patriotic Songs, Kids (NIEHS)
    4th of July, Celebrations History
    Patriotic lyrics, midi, .mp3, .wav
    Patriotic .midi Music (Connect Texas)
    Patriotic .midi, quotes, poems
    " Then conquer we must, when our cause is just, And this be our motto: "In God is our trust"; And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. " -- Francis Scott Key, September 20, 1814: United States National Anthem
    The Star Spangled Banner (.mid A Speaker GIF Image.)
    (Source: Global Security News, U.S. Military Operations)
    Lyrics ("The Defense of Fort McHenry", September 14, 1814
    by Francis Scott Key)
    (Sources: Chronology of U.S. Historical Documents, University of Oklahoma, School of Law and USFlag.org)
    1st published, circa 1780, as "To Anacreon in Heaven, Lyrics" & .midi A Speaker GIF Image. file

    "Scots Wha Hae" , lyrics alt (Robert Bruce's March to Bannockburn) and read by Doug Robertson, Music by Steve McDonald from "Bannockburn (Stone of Destiny" [.mp3, 3.7MB] "Scots, wha hae Wi' Wallace Bled," (midi, Scottish Songs) & .mid w/lyrics [src] (download DWK player)
    (Robert Burns [b.1759-d.1796], 8May1794, The Morning Chronicle)
    and Scots Wha Hae (bagpipes) by the 48th Highlanders of Canada 3m14s (7MB, .mp3)
    and Scots Wha Hae, bagpipes solo 1m22s (1.3MB, .mp3)
    and Scots Wha Hae sung by 'The Corries' 4m29s (4.3MB, .mp3)

    Barry Saddler
    Charlie's Soapbox: Charlie Daniels' Patriotism
    An example: An Open Letter To The Hollywood Bunch
    "This Ain't No Rag, It's A Flag," a song he wrote in response to the terror attacks in Washington and New York, is available on Daniels' new album album, which is for sale at his website: www.charliedaniels.com [background article (Canoe.ca)]

    Hollywood on the Flip Side (real Hollywood Heroes)
    (source: PalletMaster's Workshop®.)
    Hollywood Idiots - Exposing Celebrity Idols and Anti-Americans
    Protest Warrior (fighting the left...doing it right)
    >bt: brain terminal: Pictures / Video
    background (rushlimbaugh.com)

    U.S. National Moment of Remembrance
    Audio/Video Memorial Day: Monday, May 26th, 2003, 3:00 p.m. local Downloads
    Monday, May 26th, 2003 is "Memorial Day"
    • History of http://www.loc.gov/wiseguide/memorial.html
    • And, 3:00 p.m. local is the time to observe the
    "National Moment of Remembrance" http://remember.gov
    • When, How to, & Why Participate http://remember.gov/moment/about_event.cfm
    • Families Remember http://remember.gov/moment/family_album.cfm
    • Downloads in Preparation http://remember.gov/moment/downloads.cfm
    • Audio/Video http://remember.gov/moment/on_this_day.cfm
    • Restore the Traditional Day of Observance http://www.usmemorialday.org/act.html
    • Memorials & Casualty Files http://www.usmemorialday.org/memorialsfull.htm
    • Our Flag http://www.harrold.org/rfhextra/patriot.html#flag
    • Taps http://remember.gov/moment/taps.cfm
    • Taps http://www.harrold.org/rfhextra/patriot.html#taps

    "Between Americans" "What is America?"
    Presented on radio: December 7, 1941
    Pearl Harbor was attacked earlier in the day.
    Presented by "The Gulf Screen Guild Theater" radio show.
    Sponsor: Gulf Oil Companies
    Narrator: Orson Welles
    Writer: Norman Corwin
    (A smaller speaker Image. 6.8MB, .mp3, play time 29 minutes)

    "Courage is being scared to death -- and saddling up anyway." ~ John Wayne
      Some John Wayne Web Sources and Patriot Sayings:
    1. John Wayne Talking About...
    2. Patriotic Humor
    3. John Wayne...American Hero
    4. John Wayne, A Profile/Biograph
      "A giant was about to fall. Later in the year, cancer struck again, and President Carter paid him a visit in the hospital while Congress debated whether or not they should issue a medal in his honor. They did. When he died on June 11, 1979, flags were flown at half-mast throughout the country in recognition of an American legend."
    In Remembrance
    September 11, 2001 Memorial Art

    September11News.com©, in association with Art.com, offers a collection of posters, prints, and fine art, in remembrance of the 9/11 attack on America.

    First Navy Jack 911 - Info
    The First Navy Jack will be flown from all U.S. Navy ships starting September 11, 2002 (story).
    [source: VikingPhoenix.com & its Flag Day - U.S. Flag Information]
    Pres. Putin: 15Nov small speaker image Pres. Roosevelt: Dec. 8, 1941 small speaker image (src) Pres. Bush: 20Sep small TV set image (Alt), PBS, NPR small speaker image P.M. Blair: 4Oct 8Oct 14Nov small TV set image 14Nov01
    Fund, DOJ - Access to Government websites Post September 11th (ombwatch.org)
    U.S. Government Information and Resources in Response to September 11th Events (firstgov.gov) - Terrorism Reference (albany.edu)
    soldier bugler calling to arms after the December 7th, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor by Japanese Imperial Navy aircraft.  Bugle Call source: http://www.goatlocker.org/wavfiles.htm: Attack At Pearl Harbor, December 7, 1941
    Listen to part of the "Day in Infamy" (ra) small speaker image Speech by President Franklin Delano Roosevelt delivered on December 8, 1941 before the Joint Session of Congress of the United States. (or in full ram, ram, au (528K) wav format Windows (528K) aiff format, MacIntosh (528K)**) - [more History Links - full transcript
    alternate Online Etext & download (Public Domain Reader)]***
    and a brief description of the 'Attack at Pearl Harbor, 1941',
    How To Cite This Article: "Attack At Pearl Harbor, 1941," EyeWitness to History, www.eyewitnesstohistory.com (1997).
    -and- A Japanese View
    How To Cite This Article: "Attack At Pearl Harbor, 1941, - the Japanese View" EyeWitness to History, www.eyewitnesstohistory.com (2001).
    WSJ, December 9, 1941 - USN Dec. 7th Rememberance & (Yahoo Links)

    **(Download Quick Time (QT) Player [.aiff])

    American Flag - We Will Remember
    eagle with tear before WTC, mourning attack of September 11, 2001 by Muslim terrorists
    America's Military Tribunals, History & Lincoln's Crackdown, Suspension of Habeas Corpus, 27Apr1861 (by David Greenburge, 5Dec01 & 30Nov01, Slate) - Speech, 4July1861, President Lincoln before Special Session of Congress - President Bush's Executive Order, 13Nov01 - International Tribunals (Groliers) - Readings in U.S. Democracy w/ Ex Parte Milligan (1866) (src: U.S. Facts & History [USDS] ) - Ex Parte Quirin (July 31, 1942) - The Nazi Saboteurs & Justice for Terrorists, Using Military Tribunals Rather Than Criminal Courts (John Dean, 28Sep01, FindLaw)
    U.S. Terrorism Laws & Wartime Civil Liberties, Then/Now (interactive, MSNBC) & Current Related News (FindLaw)
    Date/Time in Kabol (Kabul) Alternate
    Kabol Longitude/Latitude
    +Kandahar Coordinates
    Afghan Holidays, Time Zone, Weekend, Religion
    The Skys Above: Bagdad (Baghdad), Iraq & Time Local/UTC
    Coordinates for Baghdad & its Neighbors
    Source: Heavens-above.com
    and Iraqi Holidays, Time Zone, Weekend, Religion
    Source: HolidayFestival.com
    CIA Maps'n Facts:
    Afghanistan, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Malaysia, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen
    9.11 Videos from NYC & WTC
    (large .mov files, source: Camera Planet)

    World News Links
    U.S. Military Operations, Current, by Theater, & historical
    (Source: GlobalSecurity.org)
    Terror War News:
    Associated Press Resources:
    The Terror War 9/11
    Hidden Fortresses
    Afghanistan Timeline
    How Afghan Neighbors React to US
    (Shockwave download)
    9-11 Rumors, Facts/Rumors/Hoaxes:
    Urban Legends (snopes2.com)
    Hoax Busters (CIAC, DOE)
    Truth or Fiction (.com)
    SpamCon Foundation
    Satirical Diversions:
    Gulf War Scenario (.swf)
    Osama & the Genie
    Osama 7-11 & 'in the desert' games
    Rock Throwers & Shooters
    "Day 0h Day ay Oh" + More
    "On the Run Again"
    Where is Bin? (CNN)
    Parody Songs and Cartoons (src: Coping.org)
    War on Terror (src: Daryle Cagle's Professional Cartoonists Index)
    "I wont be wronged, I wont be insulted, I wont be laid a hand on, I dont do these things to other people, and I require the same from them."
    ~ John Wayne as 'John Bernard Books' in the "The Shootist"  I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, I won't be laid a hand on, I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them. (src: John Wayne Audio)
    Wanted: ATF - DEA - FBI & Other - Interpol - Navy CIS - Postal Service - RCMP - Secret Service - State by State - State Department - U.S. Customs - U.S. Marshalls - USAF OSI - USPP + Osama bin Laden alt alt composite photos + The FBI Needs Info on Top Terrorists Photos & Enhanced & More Suspects - Photos + Al-Qa'ida - Al Queda Training Manual (UK/BM) - Others + DSS Rewards for Justice Info arabic Donate + Search Zones & Special Forces src - Psyops: small speaker image Leaflets - Homeland Security - Actions + Amerithrax - Anthrax Hunt
    WTC: Sunrise Before 9.11 Satellite View Before/After E3C Recon Photo One Year Viewed from Space 9/11 1-Year Later (AP)
    DSS & FBI Most Wanted + 5 More + 1 Terrorists:
    + Usama bin Laden
    arabic et en Français y en Español
    Background (ENN)
    The Marque & Reprisal Act
    (Washington Times, 14Oct01)
    Air Piracy Reprisal & Capture Act
    by Hon. Ron Paul, Tx-14
    The U.S. Constitution
    (related 107th Congress bills)
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    Introduction to "Prophet of Doom", a critical review of the Islamic scriptures.
    Here, read the book online: "Prophet of Doom - Islam's Terrorist Dogma in Muhammed's Own Words" authored by Craig Winn
    Here, a petition: First Amendment freedoms include the right to criticize Islam and Muhammad.
    Jihad Watch - The Status of Non-Muslim Minorities Under Islamic Rule (Dhimmitude) - Today + A History of Jihad & Rights of Non-Muslims in an Islamic state.


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