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Information on blocking & reporting spam email.
Rogue Products: Read before you buy.
Example: Winantivirus (src: Articles by Btv Raj , SecurityProNews)
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Multiple Browsers IDN Spoofing Test (src: Secunia Security Advisories)
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PC Flank's Internet Threats Tests (src: Spyware Guide)
RATS: Remote Access Trojans, How to Help Avoid Them (Microsoft, 28Dec05)
* Note from GFi's page: TrojanScan can only run if you are using Internet Explorer 5.0 or later as your browser. If you are using IE 5 or later but still cannot run this test, your IE settings are not allowing the TrojanScan service to run. Check how to change your settings (alt) and go back to perform the scan again.
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Symantec's Virus Calendar
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SANS / FBI & NIPC's Twenty Most Critical Internet Security Vulnerabilities McAfee's AVERT Virus Alerts (viruses glossary, hoaxes, threat calendar/payload dates)
ISS: Security Center: Current Internet Threat Level
Security Threat Level
Fortinet's list of Top 10 Viruses and patches/NIDS, MS & Red Hat bulletins at Fortinet Reponse Center
Symantec's Virus Threat List -and- Internet Security Systems Current AlertCon: Security Alert Level Security Focus' Response Teams Index: Academic, by Locale, Military, US Gov, More
Sophos's free virus info feeds: English, German/Deutsch, French/Française, Japanese small Japanese characters , Spanish/Español.
News: Antivirus & Security: Antivirus World - AtStake Vulnerabilities News - The Register's Anti-Virus News - CIAC Security Bulletins by Vendor - Cisco Security & PSIRT advisories - - Computers & Privacy (RivalEye) - Cyber Crime - Cyber Crime News - CIAC Incident Bulletins & DOE Security Info - der Keiler:Security News - eWeek Security News - (extensive) - InfoSecurity News [daily] - Infowar - - Internet Security Bulletin - Internet Crime - Intrusion Incidents & Summaries - IRIA: Security in the News, Summaries, Cyberterrorism, Cybercrime/Hacking, Politics/Legislation, Malware - Microsoft Security - Mysteryware News (src: WinPatrol) - Technology, Vulnerabilities - ISTS Daily Incidents News - Newsbytes Security Week - Phishing: Mail Frontier's Fraud News & Links - Phishing News Headlines ( - Privacy Digest - Reuters IT News - Rival Eye Virus News - SecuriTeam: News Exploits Tools - Security: Computer World - Security: Enterprise - Security: Gnu / Linux / BSD (NewsForge) - Security Articles & News ( - Security Focus & News - Security: Internet (ISS) - Security: Net - Security News - Security News URI - Security Search Antivirus News - Security Search Daily News - Search NCJIS - spamNEWS daily anti-spam & eMail abuse newsfeed - Spyware Data (marquee) - TechTV Security News - Virus Bulletin's News - Virus List's Today's News - Virus News (TechNewsWorld)
Background source:
    for "Free Support, Original Content, &
    Tutorials for the beginning computer user"
  1. Understanding Spyware
  2. Spybot - S&D Tutorial
  3. Ad-Aware Tutorial
  4. IE-Spyad Tutorial
  5. HijackThis Tutorial/Explanations
  6. SpywareGuard Tutorial
  7. SpywareBlaster Tutorial & Video
  8. CWShredder Tutorial
  9. Windows Forensics: Have I been hacked?
  10. Windows Startup Locations




Got a Web Page? Have your eMail address on it? Use the Harrold Broadband Email Obscurer. (Harrold, Bedfordshire, England) Spam FAQs
Check Your Email Send/Receive By Echoing Mail Back to Yourself at
Art101 - Anti-Spam News Video (QT) & Anti-Spam Links
Single Space .gif
also, for spam or security violations visit:
PC Pitstop's Internet Home: nslook utility
to trace IP addresses or find DNS Name owners via

Outlook-Express-Backup.Com - download a handy utility to backup your Outlook Express emails and settings.

How Spam Slips Past Your Defenses (by Andrew Brandt, June05, PC World magazine)

Anti-Spam Software Downloads at:
  • GI Gene Stuff, Web Attack & (most freeware or shareware)
  • Some Spammers Illegally Use open relays [mail servers] to Conceal Their Identity (src: whatis?com)
    1. California:
    2. Californians Seek Spam Shelter (Julia Sheeres, Wired)
    3. How to Report California Spammers (Attorney General, Ca Law: CA Codes (bpc:17530-17539.6))
  • MailWasher (free spam filter for MS Outlook, pay version includes MS Hotmail, MSN, AOL, and IMAP email)
  • Microsoft: Spiking the Spammers [Curbing junk e-mail] (12Feb03)
    junk mail filtering, tips to reduce
  • Microsoft Windows Messenger Service Exploited by Spammers:
    Microsoft (MSN) Messenger Security/Upgrades
    1. 'Spam Masquerades as Admin Alerts [Using MS Windows Messenger Service] (Brian McWilliams, Wired, 15Oct02)
    2. 'New "Messenger spam" invades desktops [aka NetBIOS spam]' (Brian Osborne, Geek News, 17Oct02)
    3. How to Setup Your System Not to Receive NetBios "Messenger Spam"
  • RAV AntiSpam Whitepaper (what is, common types, spammers, what to do, )
  • Spam - Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
    (FTC’s recent law enforcement actions against deceptive commercial email and spammers who don’t honor their "remove me" claims. Let the FTC know if a "remove me" request is not honored.)
    1. How to "Can" Unwanted Email
      1. Chain Letters
      2. ,
      3. Send a copy of unwanted or deceptive messages to
      4. Consumer Sentinel
        (The FTC enters Internet, telemarketing, identity theft and other fraud-related complaints into Consumer Sentinel, a secure, online database available to hundreds of civil and criminal law enforcement agencies in the U.S. and abroad. src: FTC [toll-free, 1-877-FTC-HELP (1-877-382-4357); TTY: 1-866-653-4261.)
    2. SpamNet
      (block MS Outlook [pay 30 day trial] / Outlook Express spam [free beta]) (link source: O'Reilly)
      1. FTC: (Federal Trade Commission)
      2. FTC Complaint Form
      3. FTC Identity Theft Complaint Form
      4. Online Transactions Involving Foreign Companies
      5. FTC's Proposed "Do Not Call" Registry
    3. Spam eMail Solutions
      (src: Consumer Reports)
      1. Net Work Tools, XWhois, Trace Sender
      2. Protecting Yourself from Spam (CyberCrimeTV, Aug02)
      3. Report Spammers to FTC (Federal Trade Commission, US)
    4. Spam Facts: Win2K/NT/XP Messenger spam (
      Also from TechTV and the The Screen Savers:
      ·   Spam FAQ
      ·   Talkback: Spam Campaign?
      ·   Taking Spammers to Court
      ·   Free File: Spam Buster
      ·   Free File: SPAM Punisher
    5. Spam Laws (extensive)
      (src: by David E. Sorkin)
      1. United States
        1. Federal
        2. States
          1. Summaries of state spam laws
          2. states not listed
        3. Selected Cases
      2. European Union (EU)
      3. Other Countries
      4. Links: Legal, Spam
      5. Selected Cases
      6. Articles
    6. Spam Pal eMail spam filter [English, French, German]
      (free av/anti-spam downloads)
      comment: I'm using it and it seems to work on much of the bulk spam. 6Jul03
    7. for ISPs, mail servers, mail system operators, end users. SBL & XBL advisories, block lists, data feeds.
    8. Who's Behind Your Spam? (The SpamHaus Project,
    9. " Spammed · Part I: The e-mail message is clear: Something's wrong here." (Anick Jesdanun, AP/Orlando Sentinel, 4Aug02; part 1 of 3) the "Costly War of Attrition" (HoustonChronicle)
      "Spammed · Part II: Despite vigilantes, spammers keep e-mail flowing." (Jim Krane, AP/Houston Chronicle, 5Aug02)
      "Spammed · Part III: Anti-spam tools more aggressive but frustrated by e-mail's 'dumb' nature." (Anick Jesdanun, AP, 2Aug02)
      1. Steve Atkins, anti-spam consultant (, download anti-spam tool)
        1. FAQ
        2. 'Sam Spade for Windows' (Reviews & Features)
        3. Download 'Sam Spade'
      2. Legislating against spam proves a rocky road (Anick Jesdanun, AP, 2Aug02)
      3. Essays on Junk E-Mail (SPAM) (Brad Templeton's writings on spam)
        1. a RealAudio transcript of a mock court on spam-law (held at CFP'98. [only audio, constitutional issues of spam-law. The judges include 3 Texas supreme court judges and a leading law professor, and the lawyers are leading experts in internet law.])
      4. "Fighting off spammers not easy, but it can be done." (Dwight Silverman, 20Apr02, Houston Chronicle)
      5. "Europe Outlaws SPAM, but it keeps coming" (Paul Geitner, AP/Houston Chronicle, 2Aug02)
    10. Black Hole List
    11. (RBL,
      1. MAPS RBL End User Information
      2. RBL IP# Lookup
      3. Tools to Use Online ( the address digger, obfuscated URLs, the safe web browser, reverse DNS, traceroute, whois, rwhois, whois, Dejanews author search, USPIS, blackhole list check, DNS Query (disabled), dns, Routing Explorer, RFC, IP whois )
    12. SpamCon Foundation (eMail spam, solutions)
      [Unwanted commercial email spam can be forwarded to FTC at:]
    13. Web Beacons What are they? Hidden in eMail?
      1. A .pdf document describing usage.
      2. Hewlett Packards (HP) Web Beacons 'Privacy Statement'
      3. Googe Search Engine: "Web Beacons"

    14. also see:
      Fraud: eMail & Internet, Credit Card# Stolen?, Identity/Internet Theft

    (sources: TechTV & The ScreenSavers & Call for Help)

  • content watch link logo

    TechTV's 'Supergeek' Virus Knowledge Challenge Quiz (src:

    Panda ActiveScan - Free Online Virus Check
    * The download time for Panda ActiveScan with a 28.8kbps modem is only 10 minutes.


    Evidence, Trace, Files, Audit Trails
  • CyberScrub
         1. View short "about" [.swf flash] video.
             (15 day free trial download)

  • Top
    X-Clean's Spyware Guide
    Identity Theft and Spyware- The New Threat
    : Index: Topics Covered
    What is Identity Theft?
    Real World Scenario
    Identity Theft and Spyware
    Spyware vs. Adware
    - Know the Difference
    Public Terminals and Spyware
    Monitor Your Credit
    Periodically Request
    Your Social Security Statement
    Use Cross-Cut Shredders
    Secure Your Snail Mail
    Watch your Snail Mail
    Opt-Out of “Pre-Approved”
    Credit Card Offers
    Protect your Information
    Guard Your Cards
    Add a Password
    Password Safety
    Watch For Spoofing Attacks
    Always Use Security Software
    Check Safety
    Hope on The Horizon
    Have you been targeted
    by identity theft?


      Computer Crime, Intellectual Property, Cybercrime Documentation
      (source: Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS, DOJ))
    1. Computer Crime (e.g., hacking): Policy · Cases · Guidance · Laws · Documents
    2. Cybercrime Documents: Press Releases · Speeches · Testimony · Letters · Reports · Manuals
    3. Electronic Search & Seizure Manual Available
    4. Intellectual Property Crime: Policy · Cases · Guidance · Laws · Economic Espionage · Documents
  • Related Laws, Programs, Policies, Executive Orders:
    1. Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT ACT) Act of 2001.
    2. Critical Infrastructure Protection Board's (President's): "The National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace"
    3. Admiral John Poindexter will run the Total Information Awareness (TIA) System (DARPA) overview (EFF) (Politech commentary, Declan (16Dec02, C/Net))
    4. and another program A program is called the Information Awareness Office (IAO) also info re the Information Exploitation Office (IEO) (ZNet commentary, 19Feb02) IOA before 120202 & after 120202 (.jpg) (Politech commentary, Declan)
    5. Terrorism Information and Prevention System (TIPS) (Politech commentary, Declan)
    6. Homeland Security Act of 2002 (.pdf)
    7. The National Strategy to Secure Cyberspace (President's Critical Infrastructure Protection Board) - draft (.html) / .pdf
    8. Executive Orders of the President(s) - Search, about
  • Top
    (Windows security, intrusion detection, firewalls, antivirus, isa server, anti virus, computer viruses, hacking programs, hacking tools, internet security test, firewall, viruses, firewalls, virus, vpn, internet security, intrusion detection software, cryptography, encryption, intrusion detection, authentication)
    Antivirus News
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    Chain Letter Fraud, Electronic Ephemera, Hoaxes, Jokes, Rumors, Urban Legends is now on its own page at:


    by PepiMK Software (DE)

    (return up this page to Spybot links, above)

    From 'Support' at "Pest Patrol:"
    What are the definitions of AOL pest, dialer, downloader, firewall killer, hostile Active X, hostile Java, hostile script, IRC war, key logger, keylogger, notifier, password capture, P2P, RAT, internet intruders, spyware, adware, hijackers, browser helper object (BHO), and a trojan horse?

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