(streaming Native American music 24/7)
Artists |
Channels |
Charts |
(Search & listen to your favorite artists, songs and music channels, FREE)
- World-Native American channel
(Relax and enjoy, as a beautiful landscape of Native American music unfolds before your ears.)
- Where Are Indian Radio Stations?
(src: AIROS)

- AIROS Newsletters & RSS Newsfeed..from Indian Country and around the world.'
- American Indian Radio on Satellite
- Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA)
- Indian Country Today
- National Congress of American Indians (NCAI)
- National Native News (NNN)
- News from Indian Country
alter•NativeVoices (Denver,
- Canada Indigenous Radio (MBC)
- Cherokee Nation News
CICU Radio FM 94.1 - Mi'kmaw Radio
[intro to
from Eskasoni N.S., CA - "..eastern Canadian Native Americans known as the Mi'kmaq"]
(may also play non-indigenous/non-Native American Afrocentric rap/hiphop)
- Earth -
Native Links -
Music Links -
WOJB-FM Live Stream (RA)
Gathering of Nations Internet Radio, Native American Music 24x7
Streaming Powwow videos
[GONradio front page]
(may also play non-indigenous/non-Native American Afrocentric rap/hiphop)
Quote: "Featuring an eclectic mix of Traditional & Contemporary Native American
(indigenous) Music including Flute, Jazz, Rap, Hip Hop, Reggae, Blues,
and Powwow Music from Champion Drum Groups and Singers."
URL to play directly: http://mms://
- Harrold's Native American News Links
- Native American Internet Streaming Audio Channels:
IHeart Radio
- Native Americans Radio (Apache, Siux, Kiowa, Hopi, Navajo, Cree, Seminole, AO)
- Gathering of Nations Radio
- Native American Indians
- Native American Flutes (relaxing, sleep, ambient, nature sounds)
- American Indian Ensemble Radio (may include some "non-native reggae, down island, black culture)
- Indian Country Today
- Indigenous News
- Indigenous Radio (Australia)
('Coast FM'
ABC Australia)
- Iqaluit Radio News
Yellow Knife
Whitehorse (CBC News, Canada)
- National Native News (NNN) (PRI)
- Native America Calling

- Native American & Indian Country News
- Native American Times
(by OK Indian Times)
- Native News Digest & Gaming
- Native News Network (Passing The Feather)
- Native Radio
NativeRadio streaming (
96Kbs .mp3
32Kbs .wma
- NativeWeb Media & News Links
- Native Wire
(src:, "American Indians in the News" , with links to Native American news articles)
- Newspapers, Journals, Radio/TV
SOAR - Sound of America Radio (
- Web News Digest +
Top News (
- Wotanging Ikche,
Current Issue
of the
Native American News (weekly)
Search Engines:
10 Largest American Indian Tribes, 2000 (populations by tribe)
2nd Amendment - Wounded Knee: Registration/Confiscation/Extermination (Right to Keep & Bear Arms)
2006 Native American Sioux Pow Wow (slideshow with music)
A Thousand Lies ("The Native American" by Dee Finney)
• Presidential quotes from the 'Lakota Student Alliance', quote:
"The United States' founding fathers were staunchly anti-Indian advocates in that at one time or another, all four
[(George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt)] provided for genocide against Indian peoples of this hemisphere."
American Indian Movement
Introduction to the American Indian Movement:101 by Sherry Means
(link source: Dick Shovel's AIM intro)
Actors, Native American
Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians
National Monument Designation (27Nov00)
American Historical Images Online (Meso-America - 1990)
American Indian flash, java animations, art/drawings, poetry & music (
American Indian History & Related Issues: North & Central America, Mexico; and Related Links (CSULB, AIS)
American Indian Lawyers Association, now the
'National Native American Bar Association' (NNABA)
- American Indian Library Association (AILA)
(Lisa A. Mitten, 'Choice Magazine')
- American Indian Library Association Scholarship
- 700+ Other Native and Minority Library and Literature Organizations and Resources
- American Indian Resources
(Native American links and E-texts: Culture, Education, History,
Issues, Languages, Literature, Nations, Representations in film/TV 1939/1995, Studies, Texts)
(Osaka, Japan)
[link src: Literary Resources on the Net (Lynch)]
American Indians (history, traditions, famous NAs)
American Indians and the Natural World (surfnetkids)
Anglo-Apache Conflicts
(This website provides an interactive map, summaries, biographies, and
primary documents about major conflicts. Unusual format allows users to
select "people" or "conflicts" and then the year. An interactive map
displays locations. Limited amounts of information make is useful for
younger students. Short quizzes are built-in. Created by History Globe).
(Grade Level: Elementary, Middle School, High School;
Content Area: History & Social Studies (Cultures), History & Social
Studies (United States History); [Dewey #973];
Application type: Information Resources)
[link source: SBC Blue Web'n]
Animation: Compare dates by US Counties forming westward - 1650-Present, 'Twas different
Animation: Compare dates by US 48 States forming westward - 1650-Present, a lot different.
Animation: Growth of a Nation
(teacher guide)
Anishinabek people, History of the Ojibwa, Ottawa and Potawatomi
(source: Samuel Poe, 7Jun08)
Anthology of Native American Internet Resources
Armed Conflict: Apache, 1860-1883
Art - Heard Museum, Native Cultures & Art
(+ The Native American Fine Art Movement: A Resource Guide
(in Adobe .pdf format, download free reader)
Native American Links &
Artists & Musicians
(Native American Public Telecommunications [NAPT])
Arts, humanities and culture (
Authors: Literature, Bibliographies
(ISLMC NA: lesson plans, online texts, student/teacher, extensive)
Authors: Titles
(N. Am., Bibliographies/Biographs, Internet Public Library)
Arizona: Native American Recognition Days (NARD)
(October Events Calendar, Scheduled Times,
Contacts email/numbers/addresses)
Avalon Project, The: Relations Between The United States
and Native Americans
Regarding Treaties with Native Americans, including:
Washington's Message to the Senate of September 17, 1789
Behold! The Ignorant Savage
(Native American History)
Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) [U.S. Dep't of the Interior]
• NA Virtual Library on the Net:
• Program Council,
• Arctic Circle,
• Arctic Council,
• Native American Nations, alphabetical)
Books, full text and eTexts online
(including traditional & true stories, children's & adult,
library & literary resources, comics, newspapers)
"Braddock", a book
Links including
The Crazy Horse Memorial
General Ely S. Parker (b1828, Seneca Tribe)
(Author's [Shirley Chance Yarbro] comments:
My website is about the books I have written. I call your attention to "Braddock" which is a chronological account of the westward expansion of this country from the Louisiana Purchase until just after the massacre at Wounded Knee Creek. What makes "Braddock" unique is that it relates the story from the Native Americans' perspective in abhorrence to the way they were treated by the U.S. Government.
"Braddock" has been added to the education library of the Wyoming State Museum. [Yarbro, Shirley Chance: Monday, 27Sep04]
Buffalo, the Life and Spirit of the American Indian
(source: Stony's Web Lodge)
c.1620, relationships with Mayflower/Pilgrims (photos, histories, language, biographs)
California Casinos -
California, Early History,
Santa Barbara & Southern, Pre-1900
(Chumash & other chronologies, articles, links)
California Indian Tribes & Groups
(Ca. Historical Society)
Southern; Biograph: Helen Hunt Jackson (1830-1885)
(NA Rights Activist, author: "Century of Dishonor" & "Ramona"; pseudonym H.H.H.)
Captioned Media Program (CMP):
Native American Videos [streaming online or sent to registrants]
(administered by the National Association of the Deaf)
Cheyenne Dog Soldiers
• Wikipedia: The Dog Soldiers or Dog Men (Cheyenne Hotamétaneo'o)
Cherokee - James S. Huggins' Native American Links including:
Cherokee/English dictionary, Code Talkers, cookbook, Leonard Peltier.
Cherokee - Trox Native History, The Kentucky Cherokee Chronicle of a People and Family: "Whispers of Waters" (by Dan Troxell)
Cherokee, Alphabet
(by Sequoyah)
src: The American Forefathers byTacha Hanepi Wi "Moon Deer"
Cherokees for Educators:
[Arts & Literature]
[Related Sites]
Cherokee: A Gift of "Talking Leaves"
(at Illinois Campground, 12Jul1839, GEORGE LOWREY (Sequoyah), President of the Eastern Cherokees and
GEORGE GUESS, President of the Western Cherokees)
src: The American Forefathers by Tacha Hanepi Wi "Moon Deer"
Cherokee by Blood
Dates in Cherokee History
Cherokee Declaration of Causes, The
and the
The CSA Constitution (CSA: Confederate States of America, 1861)
(link source: Freedom Underground)
Cherokee Tribe, The
- Chiefs:
- Chief Black Kettle
(Cheyenne, b. ?-27Nov1868, see "Sand Creek Massacre")
We Want the Privilege of Crossing the Arkansas to Kill Buffalo"]
Chief John Ross (Cherokee, b.3Oct1790-1Aug1866)
By peace our condition has been improved in the pursuit of civilized life."
"Brothers: By Peace Our Condition.."
"The Cherokee people stand upon new ground
spoken at
Tahlequah, Oklahoma Territory, 9Oct1861."]
Chief Kintpaush "Captain Jack" (Modoc, b.1837-d.3Oct1873)
["I have said yes, and Thrown Away My Country.]
src: The American Forefathers by Tacha Hanepi Wi "Moon Deer"
Children, Native American Website(s) for (K-5) [Cheyenne, Inuit, Kwakiutl, Navajo]
Chronology, American, 1492-1962, date list (
Chronology to 1969, Native American Literature (
(NA links, src: St. John's Catholic School, Brunswick, Me.)
Code Talk, federal inter-agency information
for NA (US Dep't OHuD) [alt]
- Contemporary Speeches...
- Do You Speak Cherokee? (TsaLa Gi S Hi Wo Ni?) [A Talking Clock]
- Historical Speeches, Opinions, Observations...
- Israel (Izzy) Cohen - Anthropomorphic Maps, Message Posts
- Legends, Stories, & Poems
- Links, NA
- Medicine Lodge
- Midi Music Juke Box
- Native American Foods & Recipes
- Native American Free Exercise of Religion Act of 1993
- Native American Treaties (1778-1868)
- News - American Indian & Canadian First Nation
- POW/MIA, Councilfire's Adopted
- Reflections of Traditionals & Elders (White Swan Oyate)
- Send a Native American Greeting Card (with music options)
- Today in History (searchable)
- Treaty History & Procedures
- Tribal Constitutions
- Unratified Treaties & Agreements (1792-1883)
- U.S. Code Title 25 - Indians
- Wheeler-Howard Act (The Indian Reorganization Act; June 18, 1934)
- Yankton Sioux Tribe Resolution, June 8, 2001
Culture/History Links/Curriculum/Lesson Plan (K-8)
Culture, Native American (categorized portal, annotated links)
Culture, Native Americans
(course background notes, U. Texas; 15,000 BP [before present] to now)
Amerind languages, Arawaks, atlatls, Aztec, Chan Chan,
Chibcha, Chichimeca, Chim, Cuzco, Guaran, Inca, Mapuche,
Maya, mestizaje, mestizo, Moche, Nhuatl, Pampeans, pyramids,
Quechua, shamanism, Tenochtitln, Teotihuacn, Tiahuanaco
Curriculum: Native Americans and Other Indigenous Peoples
1. Hanksville: Index of Native American Resources on the Internet -
WWWVL American Indians
2. Field Trips, Native American
(source: Montgomery County Public Schools, Rockville, MDUS)
Dartmouth U. Native Links
- Defense Link (U.S. military) Armed Forces Links related to Native Americans
from the "Indian Wars" to "Iraq" :
American Indian Medal of Honor (MOH) Recipients
Native American Medal of Honor Recipients
American Indian Campaigns, Medal of Honor Recipients:
Native American MOH Photos
• Native Americans and the Medal of Honor
(in Adobe® .pdf format slideshow [+1 pg. re 'The Code Talkers'],
• Native-American MOH, table of name, tribe, date earned, date awarded
• U.S. Army NA MOH Award narratives
• "Gallantry, personal heroism and extraordinary valor" Strengthening the Spirit.
(in MS powerpoint .ppt format)
plain text format
[ photo links source:
Courtesy of
- Alchesay, William
(1873 - Apache Campaigns,
Sergeant, U.S. Army)
(1875, Apache Campaigns)
- Chiquito
(1875, Arizona Territory,
Indian Scout, U.S. Army)
- Co-Rux-Te-Chod-Ish
aka Mad Bear
(1869 - Republican River, KS,
Sergeant, U.S. Army)
- Elsatsoosh
(1875, Arizona Territory,
Corporal, U.S. Army)
- Pompey Factor
(1875, Pecos River, Tx,
Private, U.S. Army)
- Jim
(1873, Arizona Territory,
Sergeant, U.S. Army)
- Kelsay
(1875, Arizona Territory,
Scout, U.S. Army)
- Kosoha
(1875, Arizona Territory,
Scout, U.S. Army)
- Machol
(1873, Arizona Territory,
Private, U.S. Army)
- Nannasaddie
(1873, Arizona Territory,
Scout, U.S. Army)
- Nantaje
(1873 - Arizona Territory,
Scout, U.S. Army)
- Adam Paine aka Adan Payne
(1874, Red River (Canyon Blanco), Tx,
Private, U.S. Army)
- Isaac Payne
(1875, Pecos River, Tx,
Trumpeteer, U.S. Army)
- Rowdy
(1890, Arizona Territory,
Sergeant, U.S. Army)
- John Ward aka John Warrior
(1875, Pecos River, Tx,
Sergeant, U.S. Army)
World War Two:
- Van Thomas Barfoot
(1944 - Carano, Italy,
Technical Sergeant, U.S. Army)
- Ernest (Chief) Childers
cover photo
(1943, Oliveto, Italy,
2nd Lieutenant, U.S. Army)
- Ernest Edwin (Chief) Evans
(1944 - Samar, Philippine Islands,
Commander, U.S. Navy Killed in Action (KIA))
- Roy W. Harmon
(1944 - Casaglia, Italy,
Sergeant, U.S. Army Killed in Action (KIA))
- Jack Cleveland Mongomery
(1944 - Padiglione, Italy,
1st Lieutenant, U.S. Army)
- John N. Reese, Jr.
(1945 - Paco Railroad Station, Manila, P.I. ,
Private First Class, U.S. Army Killed in Action (KIA)))
Korean War (Conflict):
- Charles George
(1952 - Songnae-dong, Korea,
Private First Class, U.S. Navy Killed in Action (KIA)
- Raymond Harvey
(1951 - Taemi-Dong, Korea,
Captain, U.S. Army)
- Mitchell Red Cloud, Jr.
(1950 - Chonghyon, Korea,
Corporal, U.S. Army ,
detailed narrative of his WWII U.S. Marine Corps service & Korean service in the U.S. Army Killed in Action (KIA)
Native Americans in World War Two, WW II, WWII
, including
Ira Hamilton Hayes, Iwo Jima Flag Raiser, full blood Pima
Korean Conflict
Delaware (Lenape) Tribe of Indians
(link src: Cowboy Net: Native Resources)
The American Indian Way (link source: Neil Burge, 21Jan12)
2 Week Rapid Fat Loss Diet , based on Real World Hunter-Gatherers
Educator's Reference Desk: American Indian links
Lesson Plans, Native American (K-12)
- Evaluating American Indian web sites (UofAz.)
[link src:
American Indian/Native American Resources by Will Karkavelas. Osaka University, Japan]
Environmental Office of Water, American Indian (by region & tribe, US EPA)
Tribal Contacts (committees, governments,
Famous People Involved in Native American Conflict (1829-1932)
Federally recognized California Tribes (map, links)
First Nations History
(summaries/history of 50 Tribes of North/Eastern US, also see the
First Nations Site Index
with links to AIM to Wounded Knee & lots between.
-and- 240 Compact Tribal Histories
(contact to c.1900)
[src: First Nations History]
- Folktales & myths (
Flags of Native Peoples of the U.S.
- Fourth World Documentation Project Home Page
(..documents on indigenous cultures)
[link src: Literary Resources on the Net (Lynch)]
- Gambling, Gaming
- American Indian Gaming & Casino Resources on the Net (
- California Nations Indian Gaming Association (CNIGA)
- Native Gaming Resources
( - Tribal Court Clearing House)
[also see law below]
- Games, Kids
- Indian Dwellings Mix & Match (source:
- Indian Tribes Word Search (source:
Gateway to Educational Materials, The: Native American (GEM, 5K+ links)
Genealogy Links
Geronimo: The Autobiography of Geronimo
(This is the original text of the autobiography of Geronimo, chief of the Apache tribes of New Mexico and Arizona)
[link source: (American History)]
Gods & Godesses, Deities:
Aztec (colorful sun wheel),
Gods, Heros, and myths
(many Native North American, South & Central, Eskimo)
Google's (search engine) links to Directories of Native American resources
Government Services Administration (GSA, U.S. Federal)
Policy Toward Native American & Alaskan Tribes
Graves Registration, Inventory of NA Human Remains & Associated Funerary Objects
within the Campbell Collection, Joshua Tree National Monument, Twentynine Palms, Ca. (NPS, DOI)
Great Moon
Indigenous Thought,
Herbal Remedies, Historical
History Assignments, Native American (NA)
NA Links on the Net
(Chico, Ca. High School (CHS) library student internet resources by Bill Ward)
History, Civilization &
Latin America &
Ancient America, chart
(Mesoamerica, Andean from the Paleo-Indian 30,000-8,000 BCE to c.1500 AD, html) &
Paleo-Siberian 52,000-13,000 BP to c.1400 Iroquois Great League of Peace
a. North America,
b. Middle America,
c. South America.
History, Chronology, Americas 1200 B.C.E. to 1836 A.D. (maybe down? Nov03)
History Links
History, Native American
Native American History
(source: The Junto Society,
(Code of Ethics, Creation Stories:
Black Foot,
Native Chiefs:
Chief Joseph,
Mato -tope,
Black Kettle,
Black Dog,
Index of Indian Tribes
Battle Stories
Native Stories: Nez Perce
History, Native American & Cultures
(documents, links, issues, timeslines, maps, flags; tribes, Anazazit, Pueblo/Puebloan, Apache,
Arapaho, Arctic Peoples, Cheyenne, Chinook, Choctaw, Comanche, Creek, Delaware (Lenape),
Iroquois Nation, Kiowa - Miami - Micmac Mohawk,
Meso & Latin America Aztec - Toltec - Olmec - Maya - Inca, Mound Builders, Navajo,
New England Tribes, Nez Perce, Oneida, Sioux, Texas Indians, Ute; languages & writing,
housing, art, literature, totems & symbols, animals, religion & beliefs, astronomy,
food, medicine, famous NAs, wars, Indian Removal, Trail of Tears, Dawes Act, military history,
Wounded Knee, Alcatraz, AIM, genealogy, stereotypes, tribal areas)
[src: Osborn, Tracey. "Teacher Oz's Kingdom of History"" Internet. Databases available online. Internet. Date accessed 27Nov03.]
How are prehispanic calendars interpreted?
= "Page of Days " in Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs.
(src: Victor Mendoza Grado
and Ricardo J. Salvador)
Culture and Society of México
Images: Native American
(people, photos, places, stories, SW America, NA)
Index of Native American Resources on the Internet:
NA &
WWW Virtual Library NA Indices of the
WWW VL Index)
- Academic
- Archeology
- Activism
- Announcements, Pow-Wows, Festivals, Lectures, Courses, Seminars
- Art Related Theater, Traveling, & Online Exhibits
- Artists
- Authors & Books, Online, Journals, List of w/NA Content, Libraries, Presses
- Bibliography
- Business, for-profit, commerce commercial
- College
- Culture
- Education
- eText Online, Full Text Books, Articles, Writings, Scholarly Documentary, Newspapers, Journals
- Gaming, Gambling, Wagering
- Geneology
- Galleries
- Government, U.S., Canadian, Agencies, Bureaus, Treaties, Legislation
- Health, Well-Being, w/Teacher & Public Health Aids
- History
- Home Pages, K-12/K12, Personal, College
- Indigenous Astronomy, Math, Science
- Jobs Employment Links
- K-12/K12
- Languages, U.S., Latin A., Other
- Legal, Law, Indigenous, College Programs, U.S., Canada, Latin A.
- Media, Radio, TV, Printed, eZines
- Movies, Films, Actors
- Museums
- Music
- Nations
- Organization, NA
- Organizations, Non-Profit, Fund-Raising, Grants
- Student Organizations, Financial Aid, Support
- Teachers/Teaching
- Video Films
- Other, Religious, Clip Art, Specialized Information Services, Discussions, UseNet NewsGroups, relevant non-Native Resources
Index of the North American Indian
..a gateway to information concerning approximately 80 western Native American tribes,
visited and photographed by Edward S. Curtis from 1890 to 1930,
taken from The North American Indian, Curtis' massive lifework.
The North American Indian consists of 20 volumes of text,
describing in detail all aspects
of each Native American tribe's life and customs.
Indian Peoples of the Northern Great Plains, Online Image Database
(searchable photograph database:
Link source SBC's Blue Web'n Library
"..grant support from
the Institute of Museum and Library Services National Leadership Grant
Program to broaden access by access to..primary source
material on the Plains Indian cultures currently only available by travel to
Montana. The overall organization of the database is by tribe,
including: Crow, Cheyenne, Blackfeet, Salish (Flathead), Kutenai,
Chippewa-Cree, Gros Ventres (Atsina), and Assiniboine. The collection
consists primarily of images, but includes some text to give context.
Most of the images are photographs, but there are also stereographs,
ledger drawings, and other sketches. Maintained by Montana State
Grade Level: Early Childhood (K-2), Elementary, Middle School, High
School, College, Adult/Professional
Content Area: Community Interest (Regional Information), History &
Social Studies (Geography & Cultures) [Dewey #900]
Application type: References & Tools")
Indigenous (North, Central, Latin, South) Web Sites
(3271+ Categorized Links) [(]
Indigenous Peoples: A Treatise
(Charles Scheiner, 24Nov92,
InfoPlease Index of 100+ NA web sites
Internet Resources, Native American
(source: ISLMC)
(Bibliographies |
Directories |
Historical Documents & Online E-Texts |
Author Pages |
Study & Teaching |
History |
General Sites |
Images/Backgrounds for Windows/Web Pages
(Graphics by Lorrie)
[Geolor's Links to NA Pages]
- Internet Public Library (IPL) - Native American Authors
including bibliographies, biographs, links to online resources including interviews, online texts and tribal websites
[link src:]
Iroquois, The Constitution of the [c.1390, 1450-1500 AD] &
About the Iroquois Constitution
(src: OBI)
Iroquois Constitution & Related Links
The original Five Nations were:
Mohawk: People Possessors of the Flint;
Onondaga: People on the Hills;
Seneca: Great Hill People;
Oneida: Granite People;
Cayuga: People at the Mucky Land; and the
Tuscarora: Shirt Wearing People who became the Sixth Nation.
- Jatibonicu Taino Tribal Nation (JTTN):
Boriken, Puerto Rico
English y
en Espaol / Spanish:
El Consejo Tribal Taino de Jatibonicu
New Jersey
"One People, One Nation, One Destiny"
• Our Tribal Motto: "Like A Mountain We Stand Alone"
• Tribal Name: Great People of The Sacred High Waters
• Tribal Affiliation: Jatibonicu Taino Tribal Nation of Boriken
(..part of a greater Arawakan family of tribes who are geographically
located stretching from South America, Caribbean, Florida and New Jersey.
..presently in the US Commonwealth State of Puerto Rico,
in the region of the central mountains range. ..the VERY FIRST
Native American Indian nation to meet and greet Christopher Columbus in the year 1492.)
Kids Stories, Various Tribes, Related Links (K-8)
Languages of Native Americans (+ links to Powwows & music)
Languages of the United States
(A Map of Languages in the United States,
source: Modern Language Association (MLA))
Language: Indigenous Language Links
& Teaching Indigenous Languages
Languages: Native American
(+ Dictionaries; Teaching Indigenous Languages & articles)
Laws Library, Indian (
Law: Native American - Courts, Regulations/Statutes, Organizations, Resources,
Related Links, Native American Tribal Web Sites (
SOAR - Sound of America Radio
Law and Web News Digest (
Law, Legislative, Law, Rights, Indices to other Links, Repatriation & Burial &
Legislative & Supreme Court Watch
Law: Tribal Law and Policy Institute
Tribal law, codes, federal/state relations,
federal laws, pending legislation, & relations,
state laws & relations]
(+related law links, federal agencies, Native organizations,
Law Program Resources,
Native resources)
Legends of Our Times: Native Ranching and Rodeo Life on the Plains and
Plateau (K-Adult) (link src: SBC Knowledge Network)
Lesson, Culture: Native American (
Lesson Plans - Native American (ISLMC, NA)
Lessons: Native American Theme (worksheets, printables, K-6 by grade)
Lessons: Native American, 5th Grade Links
(Greentown Elementary, North Canton [Ohio] City Schools)
Libraries, Tribal, useful web sites for (src:
Lewis and Clark Expedition, "Native American Perspective Emerges as...
Steadfast tribal voices gain new strength in Lewis and Clark story.
As the bicentennial progresses, Native Americans take center stage with their insight into the duo's journey."
(Bill Graves, The Oregonian, Su.10Jul05)
A complete list of Native American Tribes
Indigenous People's Literature
Welker's Bookmarks)
Maps, GIS Windows on Native Lands,
Current Places, and History
Maps of Federally Recognized Indian Reservations
(src: FEMA, NA Links)
Mascot Dilemma, The - Pride or Prejudice?
(A WebQuest for 11th-12th grade (Language Arts/ Social Studies) designed by Manny Rios. .. All necessary materials including evaluation rubric
are contained in this webquest. [Grade Level: Middle School, High School; Content Area: Community Interest (Current Events/News), History & Social Studies (Current Events); [Dewey #070]
Application type: Projects] ) [link source: SBC Blue Web'n]
- Mayan:
Calendar & Date Calculator
- Culture & Games
- Hieroglyphics
- Instructional Matericals
- Languages & Syllabary
- Virtual Palace Tours
[ download virtual player for MS/Mac ]
(More Online Links to: architecture, astronomy, Aztec,
codices, codecs, languages, maps, Mayan, mesoamerican + precolumbian & virtual tour web sites)
Mayan Astronomy
Medal of Honor Winners
(also see 'Defense Link' above)
Megasites, Internet: Native American
(Multnomah County Library)
Meso America &
Tiwanaku &
(search results from
Meso and Latin America (maps, timelines;
Maya, Mixtec, Zapotec, Aztec, Inca, Olmec, Toltec, Indigenous Peoples)
Music, Midi (Elan Michaels)
Music, Native American Music and Video Archive (NAMA)
a. NAMA Music Awards, annual
(music & video archives, plus Annual Music Awards)
Music, Native American music styles
(categories: artists, bands, dancers, drummers, flute, folk,
Native rock, radio, story telling) [src:]
National American Media Festivals & Competitions/Non-Competitive
(film, video, cinema)
National Archeological Database: Native American
Grave Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA)
National Congress of American Indians (NCAI)
National Indian Law Library (src: Native American Rights Fund)
Native American Association of Germany e.V
(in English)
Native American Constitution & Law Digitation Project &
Legal Resources (law, OKU., NILL)
Native American Documents Project (CSU, San Marcos)
Native American Government & Treaties (+ NA Links)
Native American Fish & Wildlife Society
Native American Homeschool Association
Native American Indian Plenty Stuff
American Indian Heritage Month
(American Heritage links, .pdf; U.S. Diplomatic Mission,
Leipzig, Germany)
About the USA: Native Americans
Activities to Celebrate American Indian Heritage Month (Education-World)
American Indian Heritage Month (InfoPlease)
Facts for Features: American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month: November 2004
(U.S. Census Bureau, .pdf)
National Museum of the American Indian (.pdf)
National Museum of the American Indian
Proclamation by the President of the United States of America: Thanksgiving (November 25, 2004)
Native American Journalists Association (NAJA)
Native American Lore
(source: Stony's Web Lodge)
(quote: "..links to several stories of Native American Indian Lore from several Tribes across Turtle Island.")
Native American Reference Books
(Studies Collections & Native Links (Stanford)
Native American Religion in Early America (c.1700's)
Native American Resource Center, U. North Carolina, Pembroke
Native American Sites on the Internet (Lisa Mitten, U. Penn.)
Native American Studies: Online College Classes
• Key Native American Figures
• Native American Organizations
• Online General Resources
Native American Studies Resources
- Native American Support Group of New York City
( links source: American Calendars HQ )
Activists, Issues,
Our Celebrities - Actors, Artists, Musicans
Music, Radio, Media
New York American Indian
Art Exhibits
Culture, Dance, Storytelling
Native American
New York City Guide
Native Nations
Native American Times Newspaper (alt)
Native Americans of the Salton Basin-Colorado Delta (Central Southern California)
(Anza Borrego; Cahuilla & the Agua Caliente (Palm Springs), Morongo (Banning), Ramona, & Santa Rosa (Hemet) Bands;
Cocopah: Mexican & Yuma Branches; Colorado River Tribes; Dieguneo; Kumeyaay (Anza Borrego);
Mission Indian Bands: Augustine (Banning), Cabazon (Indio), Cahuilla (Anza), Los Coyotes (Warner Springs); and the
Torres-Martinez Desert Cahuilla)
California Indian Pre-Contact Tribal Territories
Native American Way
(Native American links organized by geographic location & topic. "For instance, all links
pertinent to the North East go in a bucket marked North East," etc. by Malcolm Gault-Williams,
Santa Barbara, Ca., US)
Native Americans - Internet Resources
(bibliographies, directories, etexts, documents, authors, study/teaching, history) (
Native Celebrities
Native Languages of the Americas
(Preserving and Promoting Native American languages
Native Languages of the Americas (
(and, A List of Native American Indian Tribes and Languages)
Native Peoples of Baja California, Articles, Links
Native Peoples of California (Cabrillo College, Aptos, CA, US)
Native Peoples of North America (Cabrillos College)
Native Nashville
Language Tutors, Native American
Tsalagi (Cherokee)
Muskogee (Creek)
+ links to other Native Language resources
Native Village
(Native youth, education, news)
(NA portal,
Nations Index,
Indigenous Resources/Nations by Geographic Locations
Search) [4K+ resources, Indigenous]
Native Languages Revitalization Resource Directory of
Language Programs (NLRRD)
- &
Native Links
(news, education, military, sports, business, culture; Alt)
News & Culture (
Oneida Nation, One of the original Iroquis Confederacy
(supported American Independence, 360 degree images/photos, exhibit)
Ojibwe Histories and Narratives
Treaties, Native American Policy & Law, Sovereignty, Oral History,
Anishinaabe Language,
Stories & Storytelling, Native American Schools
[online & residential], Leaders, Maps & Geography, Environmental Issues,
Native American Knowledge, Seasons: Calendars & Time, Arts & Crafts:
Birch Bark Canoes & Crafts, Maple Syruping, Wild Ricing, Pow Wows & Dance;
Fond du Lac Cultural Center & Museum:
clothing, artifacts, old photographs, virtual tour
Oklahoma Tribes and Officials
(link src: Cowboy Net: Native Resources)
Powwow dates (Whispering Wind, Pow Wow)
Powwow Do's & Don'ts
(src: (UK))
(Algonquian, born c. 1595, named Matoaka)
Quotes from our Native Past
(source: Stony's Web Lodge)
Quotes Native American (
Recipes & Herbal Links
(The Bear's Byte)
- Traditional
- Modern
Sage - All You Wanted to Know and were Afraid to Ask
Records on Microfilm, American Indian
(National Archives and Records Administration, NARA)
Religion, overview & readings
Religions & Spirituality
(src: Native American Studies)
Resources on the Net
Sac & Fox Nation
(link src: Cowboy Net: Native Resources)
Sacred Texts: Native American religion, mythology and folklore
links source:
The Internet Sacred Text Archive
( Quote, "the largest freely available archive of full-text books about religion, mythology,
folklore and the esoteric on the Internet." )
Native American Tribes & Nations
Sand Creek - Northern Cheyenne Sand Creek Massacre Site Project
(November 29, 1864, Sand Creek Massacre, Southeast Colorado)
[Cheyenne Chiefs at Sand Creek 1864 including
Chief Black Kettle (b. unk-d.27Nov1868)]
(Timeline: 1864-2001)
Pontiac: Two Speeches (27Apr1763 & Aug1775)
src: The American Forefathers by Tacha Hanepi Wi "Moon Deer"
Scholarships, Native American
Sequoyas, Alphabet
src: The American Forefathers by Tacha Hanepi Wi "Moon Deer"
General William Tecumseh Sherman, U.S. Army:
"We must act with vindictive earnestness against the [indians].." (1866, see "Neo-Socialism")
Sobobas Tribes; San Jacinto, California (from "Legends & History of the San Jacinto Mountains", 1926 by K.P. Frederick)
Shelters from the plains, mountains, forests, Arctic (modern, prehistory)
Shelters, housing; tribal, regional & NA links (US, Alaska, CA,
Shelters, pre-history (MNSU)
Sioux, Lakota Nation, Four Tribes
(Cheyenne River Lakota Nation) [Mnicoujou, Itazipco, Sihasapa, Oohenumpa]
(NA Links)
Small Business Administration, Native American Affairs (U.S. gov.)
Smithsonian Museum: Native American Resources, Exhibits, Recommended Reading
Song Catcher, Ms. Frances Densmore (recordings/photos online)
Studies, Stanford U. -
NA Web Sites
- Storytellers - Native American Authors Online
[link src:]
Surf the Net with Kids: Native American Educational Sites
(e.g. Pocahontas)
Technology, Culturally Related, Crafts, Language
Teotihuacan Pyramids, City of the Gods en Espaol"
(And, in English
from (Mexico City)
Thanksgiving, "The Shocking Truth"
(excerpt from "Where White Men Fear to Tread", author: Russell Means)
src: The American Forefathers by Tacha Hanepi Wi "Moon Deer"
Thanksgiving, Some Native American Thoughts
(source: GreyWolf)
Theodore Walker, Jr.'s Online Resources concerning Native America
Timeframes, Topics, Resources, Forums +
Graphical Chronology
- Timelines:
Native American
(1200 BC - 1836 AD) &
Historical, 1800-present
Timeline, NA, 1200 BC-1836 AD (graphical)
Tisquantum (Squanto), Biography/History of (c.1605-1622)
Traditional Stories, Legends, and Myths
Treaty of Greenville, The
([concluded August 3, 1795] A treaty of peace between the United States of America,
and the tribes of Indians called the Wyandots,
Delawares, Shawanees, Ottawas, Chippewas, Pattawatimas,
Miamis, Eel Rivers, Weas, Kickapoos, Piankeshaws, and
Kaskaskias.) (src: OBI)
Tribal Directory - American Indian Resource Directory
Tribal Government(s) Directory
(link src: Search-It-All government links)
Tribal links (
Tribal Names & Their Meanings
Tribal Web Sites
(Native Telecom (NAPT) [AIROS]
a. Artists & Musicians
b. Native American Organizations & Web Sites
c. Other Web Sites Linked to NAPT
UC Native American Indices & Internet Links
(University of California)
(Cautionary note:
The terms "Native" and "Native Indian" as opposed to "Native American" are used in this U.C. site
and in that regard, Negro ethno-centric links may be co-mingled.)
UW Native American links
Found using the ht/Dig web/internet search engine software.
U.S. Census: American & Alaskan Native Populations
U.S. Military History, Native American [medals of honor,
codetalkers, traditions] (USN)
University of South Dakota: Native American links
Veterans, Native American
(plus Medal of Honor Recipients & WWI Choctaw Code Talkers, WWII Navajo Code Talkers, Ira Hayes)
src: The American Forefathers by Tacha Hanepi Wi "Moon Deer"
Victim Programs to Serve Native Americans
( text,
National Criminal Justice Reference Service [NCJRS,
DOJ] )
Websites, Tribal
Native American and other ethnic women on the WWW (world wide web) (
Native American Women on the WWW (
Work Force Investment Act [DINAP]
(The Act)
Wotanging Ikche, Native American News, weekly
WWII - American Indians in World War Two (WWII)
Wounded Knee, Events leading to the Massacre at
• Wounded Knee site index
• "A massacre survivor speaks" (Beard b.1875 - "In Lakota, he was called Wasee Maza - Iron Tail..")